Sunday, March 03, 2013

Ketua Front Pembela Islam Kecam Pencerobohan Bersenjata Ke Atas Sabah

"Mufti Sulu" , Ketua Front Pembela Islam di Indonesia , Habib Rizieq mendakwa pencerobohan bersenjata ke Sabah adalah langkah salah. Menurutnya ia tidak pergi ke tujuan yang sebenar. 

Kenyataan ini dikeluarkan beliau pada 21 Februari yang lalu.

Jadi? Semestinya ini adalah perbuatan penjahat yang entah-entah merupakan kartel syabu yang semakin terdesak. Siapa tahu?  

TV dan media cetak harus memainkan peranan dalam meningkatkan integrasi dan perpaduan dengan menyiarkan kecaman-kecaman dari orang-orang Tasug warganegara Malaysia sendiri ke atas pencerobohan bersenjata tersebut.

Soalnya, mana?

Tentera harus menggunakan pendekatan yang lebih menenangkan seperti memasang bnacaan ayat suci Al Quran di corong-corong  di masjid-masjid dan surau bagi memembuka mata besar mereka supaya lebih besar bahawa kini meeka cuba berperang sesama Islam!

Adakah ini kerja orang Tasaug di Sulu?  Ataupun kerja samseng upahan dari Manila? 

Antara komentar pembaca Filipina tentang krisis Sabah Timur

North Borneo (Sabah) has oil wells producing as many as 192,000 barrels a day. This is the equivalent of RM53 million (P696 million) a day or $17,000,000 (million) dollars every single day.
Our US would love to look over the Sultan of Sulu's proposal on how we can provide the Sultan of Sulu protection in exchange of sovereignty and rights over North Borneo (Sabah) so we can expand our US Territories and US Military Bases, and most importantly the acquisition of all the rich natural resources and OIL that peak our National Interests.
yes, while i am sad about it, many filipinos here do not even think about the possible ramification of kiram's action, there are many filipinos living in peace in sabah for many decades and the malaysian government just let them stay there, 
and because of these so called "sultan" and their idiot followers who wanted the land for themselves, innocent civilians who are living in sabah both filipinos and malaysian will now suffer.
What a selfish creature.
The Sultan's relatives and the Tausog (Orang Suluk) will be the first people to be affected. If you don't know, 300,000 Tausog alone live in Sabah. If the cause is right, there is no need to think of yourself alone living in a decent life while others fighting for their right.

Fernando Gutierrez
Indeed what a mess, and pity to ordinary Pilipinos who are in Malaysia just to earn a descent living. 
We can thanks the brain dead Tausug clan for it.
Sadly, the only thing that these bandits from Sulu are achieving is to make all Filipinos unwelcome in Sabah and Malaysia as a whole. How many Filipino livelihoods must be destroyed before these idiots and the unenlightened who have posted uneducated pathetic gung-ho comments recognise the reality that there is no legitimacy to what these bandits are doing? Sabah belongs to the indigenous peoples that called that place their home long before any foreigner invaded from Sulu.
Amazing , the Tausugs are taking the fight to the Malayos . They are hitting them in all places. Galing ng tactics nila. In fact, the AFP special units respect their fighting prowess.
 the tausog they havent start the lasts resort , the burning and bombing to create chaos ,the malaysian will retaliate they can use their napalm bomb up to kota kinabalu ,what a mess why not use dialog to avert bloodshed
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Tokoh Tasaug Kecam Pencerobohan Bersenjata

6 hari sebelum pertempuran berlaku di Lahad Datu, tokoh Tasaug tempatan dalam blognya menolak kaedah pencerobohan bersenjata yang di buat ke atas Sabah oleh pihak yang mendakwa mewakili Sultan Sulu.


Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu,

Insyaa Allah ada caranya. Sekiranya mereka mengaku sebagai pengikut Sultan Jamalul Kiram III atau Sultan Ismael Kiram II yang mengaku FILIPINO maka Malaysia boleh isytiharkan mereka bukan Sultan Sulu malah sebagai Filipino. Implikasinya ialah Malaysia harus bertanya Filipina samada itu adalah rakyat mereka. Kalau dia kata ya rakyat Filipina maka Malaysia boleh mengutuk Filipina sekiranya tidak bertanggungjawab terhadap kemasukan rakyatnya itu ke Sabah Malaysia. Ia dikira ceroboh dengan bawa senjata dan boleh dibunuh sebagai tindakan mandatori sekiranya enggan keluar malah enggan berunding.

Malangnya Filipina tak mengaku mereka itu sebagai Filipino dalam banyak kenyataan akhbar. Walhal sangat jelas Sultan Jamalul Kiram III itu dan adiknya Sultan Esmail Kiram II telah membuat kenyataan video sebagai rakyat Filipina yang mahukan bantuan Filipina merampas Sabah. Malaysia hanya perlukan pengisytiharan bahawa mereka yang masuk ke Lahad Datu itu adalah penceroboh Filipino yang mencabuli kedaulatannya dan seharusnya selepas itu Malaysia tidak boleh dipersalahkan sekiranya membuat tindakan menyerang.

Walau bagaimana pun kita melihat bahawa Malaysia lebih berkeyakinan tidak menyerang penceroboh Lahad Datu itu disebabkan dua perkara.

  • PERTAMA: Mereka bukan rakyat Filipina walau pun pemimpin mereka jelas Filipino. Dibimbangi mereka itu adalah benar bukan Filipino dan benar adalah rakyat KESULTANAN SULU. Malaysia agak ragu kerana ketidak pastiannya mengagak apakah tindakannya betul sekiranya menembak mati penceroboh itu yang mana mereka mengaatasnamakan Kesultanan Sulu? Apakah implikasi antarabangsa terhadap tindakan menembak itu? Mungkinkah Malaysia dituduh menembak rakyat Sultan Sulu yang mana nama Kesultanan Sulu itu terkait dengan kedaulatan SABAH? Maka Malaysia memilih berunding secara damai tanpa syarat meminta penceroboh keluar secara baik. Namun sampai bila? Sekiranya penceroboh terus bertahan?
  • KEDUA: Malaysia tak akan menembak disebabkan tanggungjawabnya sebagai pemerintah beragama Islam yang melarang membunuh sesama Islam. Walau pun alasan ini agak rapuh disebabkan pihak penceroboh itu jelas berniat melawan sanggup berbalas tembakan sekiranya permintaan mereka tidak dituruti, namu Malaysia harus memilih tidak menembak walaupun ugutan dah diberikan sejak awal kepada penceroboh.

Saya secara pribadi menyokong Malaysia untuk tidak menembak lebih dahulu. Pihak kami masih menyiasat siapakah dalang sebenar mereka ini selain Sultan Jamalul Kiram III. Dari pandangan lojik mereka ini memang Filipino yang mana kalau berjaya ditangkap oleh Malaysia maka sangat sesuai disumbat ke dalam Kurungan Rumah Merah. Bagi mereka peluang merasa penghinaan dalam rumah merah supaya mereka lebih faham erti PTI yang masuk secara haram. Saya mengira ramai dari kalangan penceroboh ini pernah mengalami pengalaman ngeri disumbat dalam kurungan Rumah Merah di Sabah.

Insyaa Allah selepas ini Malaysia akan dapat melihat semula kewajaran Rumah Merah itu diwujudkan. Tausug berharap tiada lagi PENJENAMAAN PTI HARAM terhadap Tausug yang menjadi rakyat Kesultanan Sulu. Saya optimis hal ini akan menjadi kenyataan tidak lama lagi. Amin ya Rabbal Alamin!!

Maka, bagaimana tindakan kita seterusnya? Banyak lagi jawapan berupa saranan yang akan menyusul selepas ini dari pihak kami Insyaa Allah.

Ulasan Media Filipina Mengenai Perisik Filipina Mengenai Anwar Dan Kiram III

Gov’t intel eyes 3 groups abetting Sulu sultan’s claim

1:29 am | Friday, March 1st, 2013

Whether the heirs of the sultanate of Sulu acted on their own to reclaim Sabah or were instigated by an external force to do so, one thing is certain, according to government intelligence sources: It was a business that proved too big for the heirs to handle on their own.

The sources said that the Philippine government’s policy on Sabah is to keep it in the back burner.

But apparently “some people” want to push it forward now. And why now, at this time, is one of the questions government intelligence is looking into.

The sources consistently mentioned three groups that appear to have taken advantage of the decision of the Kirams to pursue their Sabah claim.

“These are groups that wanted to ride on the Kirams’ pursuit with their own interests in mind,” one of the sources said.
Another source added: “There are a lot who can gain from this, not just in the Philippines but in Malaysia as well.”
These “external factors,” as an Inquirer source described the groups, are one small faction that is in it for the money, an anti-Aquino administration group, and the Malaysian political opposition.

“The Kirams planned to pursue their claim as early as last year. But they went to Lahad Datu also on the instigation of these groups,” the intelligence officer said.

The small group supposedly goaded the Kirams to ask Malaysia for a higher rent on Sabah. If Malaysia gives in, this small group would allegedly have a share of the increase.

The anti-administration group simply wants to discredit President Aquino and is using the peace process as a cause of disenchantment for the Kirams.

“All those who do not like P-Noy (the President’s nickname) have joined forces. This is one way to really test how this administration will react (to such an issue). Whatever happens in Malaysia, there will be a backlash on us,” one source said.

“In a way, whoever wants to disrupt the peace process or the gains of President Aquino has already won,” the source added.

The third group is allegedly the Malaysian political opposition, which is gearing up for general elections that may be called before June.

The intelligence officer said that one member of the Malaysian political opposition allied with Anwar Ibrahim was running for a post in Sabah.

“Apparently, this politician was one of those who spoke with the Kirams. He supposedly gave the opposition’s support to the Kirams’ claim to Sabah,” the source said.

November meeting
The source also believed that in their meeting in November last year, the Kirams decided to “reclaim Sabah or at least ask for a compensation for Sabah that is commensurate to the land’s value today, and for the royal family to be given due recognition by Malaysia.”

But it is being Tausug that is keeping Sultan Jamalul Kiram III, his family, and their subjects stubbornly pressing their renewed claim to Sabah, even to the extent of defying President Aquino, one of the Inquirer sources said.

“This is the last stand of Sultan Jamalul. Being Tausug, they already gave their word they would pursue their claim. This is now do or die for them just to keep their word of honor,” the source, a senior military officer, told the Inquirer.

But for another security administrator analyzing the events of the past three weeks, the Kirams appear to be quite edgy of late.

“They are confused. The government is hopeful that we can buy more time, find a diplomatic way out,” the source said, referring to the government’s efforts to help settle the standoff between Malaysian security forces and an armed group led by Jamalul’s brother, Agbimuddin Kiram, in Tanduao village in Lahad Datu town now in its third week.

Kiram unity
The Inquirer’s sources are from the diplomatic and defense establishments. They asked not to be named as they were not authorized to speak to journalists about their analysis of developments in the so-called journey home to Sabah of the Kirams.

The source said the Kirams decided to unite because they felt left out of the peace negotiations between the Aquino administration and the Moro Islamic Liberation Front, which signed a premilinary peace deal last October.

Calling gov’t attention
“The Kirams wanted to get the attention of the Philippine government,” the source said.
“For so many years, the family felt they have been exploited in politics. Sultan Jamalul was goaded to run for senator in 2010 but he lost. Then their letter to President Aquino (in 2010 before he assumed office) got lost,” the source said.
The source said the Kirams and their followers “conceived the details of the plan to go to Lahad Datu” in late January this year.

“In February, a small group of the Kirams’ followers left for Lahad Datu, followed by Raja Muda Agbimuddin,” the source said.

The estimated 70 firearms now in the hands of the group holed up in Tanduao are owned by residents in Lahad Datu, Tausug and Badjao holding Malaysian identification cards, the source said.

Malaysian security forces have encircled Agbimuddin’s group but are holding action, with the grace period for the group to leave having been extended three times and a fourth being requested by the Philippine government.

Malaysians careful
The Inquirer’s military source said the impasse continues because the Malaysians are extra careful in dealing with Agbimmudin’s group.

“They are all Muslims and they know that if there is violence, it would go on forever. There are 800,000 Filipinos in Sabah. It would be a huge problem in Sabah if violence erupts. The Malaysian security forces may end up dealing with guerrillas or a rido,” the source said, using a Muslim term for clan war.

Anwar "Suruh" Kiram III Pow Malaysia. Mengapa Bersenjata Api?

Gov’t intel eyes 3 groups abetting Sulu sultan’s claim
By Nikko Dizon
Philippine Daily Inquirer
1:29 am | Friday, March 1st, 2013

Whether the heirs of the sultanate of Sulu acted on their own to reclaim Sabah or were instigated by an external force to do so, one thing is certain, according to government intelligence sources: It was a business that proved too big for the heirs to handle on their own.

The sources said that the Philippine government’s policy on Sabah is to keep it in the back burner.
But apparently “some people” want to push it forward now. And why now, at this time, is one of the questions government intelligence is looking into.

The sources consistently mentioned three groups that appear to have taken advantage of the decision of the Kirams to pursue their Sabah claim.

“These are groups that wanted to ride on the Kirams’ pursuit with their own interests in mind,” one of the sources said.

Another source added: “There are a lot who can gain from this, not just in the Philippines but in Malaysia as well.”

These “external factors,” as an Inquirer source described the groups, are one small faction that is in it for the money, an anti-Aquino administration group, and the Malaysian political opposition.

“The Kirams planned to pursue their claim as early as last year. But they went to Lahad Datu also on the instigation of these groups,” the intelligence officer said.

The small group supposedly goaded the Kirams to ask Malaysia for a higher rent on Sabah. If Malaysia gives in, this small group would allegedly have a share of the increase.
The anti-administration group simply wants to discredit President Aquino and is using the peace process as a cause of disenchantment for the Kirams.

“All those who do not like P-Noy (the President’s nickname) have joined forces. This is one way to really test how this administration will react (to such an issue). Whatever happens in Malaysia, there will be a backlash on us,” one source said.

“In a way, whoever wants to disrupt the peace process or the gains of President Aquino has already won,” the source added.

The third group is allegedly the Malaysian political opposition, which is gearing up for general elections that may be called before June.

The intelligence officer said that one member of the Malaysian political opposition allied with Anwar Ibrahim was running for a post in Sabah.

“Apparently, this politician was one of those who spoke with the Kirams. He supposedly gave the opposition’s support to the Kirams’ claim to Sabah,” the source said.

November meeting
The source also believed that in their meeting in November last year, the Kirams decided to “reclaim Sabah or at least ask for a compensation for Sabah that is commensurate to the land’s value today, and for the royal family to be given due recognition by Malaysia.”

But it is being Tausug that is keeping Sultan Jamalul Kiram III, his family, and their subjects stubbornly pressing their renewed claim to Sabah, even to the extent of defying President Aquino, one of the Inquirer sources said.

“This is the last stand of Sultan Jamalul. Being Tausug, they already gave their word they would pursue their claim. This is now do or die for them just to keep their word of honor,” the source, a senior military officer, told the Inquirer.

But for another security administrator analyzing the events of the past three weeks, the Kirams appear to be quite edgy of late.

“They are confused. The government is hopeful that we can buy more time, find a diplomatic way out,” the source said, referring to the government’s efforts to help settle the standoff between Malaysian security forces and an armed group led by Jamalul’s brother, Agbimuddin Kiram, in Tanduao village in Lahad Datu town now in its third week.

Kiram unity
The Inquirer’s sources are from the diplomatic and defense establishments. They asked not to be named as they were not authorized to speak to journalists about their analysis of developments in the so-called journey home to Sabah of the Kirams.

The source said the Kirams decided to unite because they felt left out of the peace negotiations between the Aquino administration and the Moro Islamic Liberation Front, which signed a premilinary peace deal last October.

Calling gov’t attention
“The Kirams wanted to get the attention of the Philippine government,” the source said.

“For so many years, the family felt they have been exploited in politics. Sultan Jamalul was goaded to run for senator in 2010 but he lost. Then their letter to President Aquino (in 2010 before he assumed office) got lost,” the source said.

The source said the Kirams and their followers “conceived the details of the plan to go to Lahad Datu” in late January this year.

“In February, a small group of the Kirams’ followers left for Lahad Datu, followed by Raja Muda Agbimuddin,” the source said.

The estimated 70 firearms now in the hands of the group holed up in Tanduao are owned by residents in Lahad Datu, Tausug and Badjao holding Malaysian identification cards, the source said.

Malaysian security forces have encircled Agbimuddin’s group but are holding action, with the grace period for the group to leave having been extended three times and a fourth being requested by the Philippine government.

Malaysians careful
The Inquirer’s military source said the impasse continues because the Malaysians are extra careful in dealing with Agbimmudin’s group.

“They are all Muslims and they know that if there is violence, it would go on forever. There are 800,000 Filipinos in Sabah. It would be a huge problem in Sabah if violence erupts. The Malaysian security forces may end up dealing with guerrillas or a rido,” the source said, using a Muslim term for clan war.

Suluk Hanya Minoriti 20% Di Sabah

Kadazandusun Murud merupakan 19% dari penduduk Sabah, kaum Suluk pula berjumlah 20%. Masih terdapat 80% rakyat Sabah bukan Suluk yang tentulah tidak dapat menerima tuntutan kesultanan Suluk ke atas Sabah.

Tentulah kaum Suluk di Sabah sendiri telah mempunyai pemimpin-pemimpin di kalangan mereka sendiri seperti contoh  Naib Presiden UMNO, Datuk Seri Shapie Apdal dan pemimpin-pemimpin Suluk di negara ini.

Jika dilakukan referendum sekalipun, Sultan Sulu ditolak oleh rakyat Sabah.

Perjanjian bulan bintang telah dibuat dan akhirnya kini janji dilanggar sewenangnya malah mengkucai taugehkan undang-undang dan kedaulatan negara ini.

Sedangkan rakyat negara ini tidak dibenar mempunyai senjata sesuka hati seperti puak Kiram III ini, pencerobohan bersenjata samseng Filipina ini adalah perlakuan kurang ajar yang seharusnya mendapat tentangan pihak keselamatan pada 24 jam pertama demi mendaulatkan undang-undang.

Sayangnya, RAKYAT melihat Menteri KDN sebagai perlahan.

Indonesia Tidak Memperbesarkan Isu Lahad Datu

DetikNews adalah berita Indonesia yang teman selalu ikuti. Berhubung krisis di Sulu, tiada laporan berlebihan diberikan dan ini menunjukkan penataterbiban demokrasi media di Indonesia berhubung kes luar sempadan mereka sedang berlangsung aman.

Hanya dua berita dibawah tersiar berkait insiden ini.

Juga, artikel di Detik tidak mendatangkan komentar yang menggila di beritanya mengenai insiden Lahad Datu. 

Artikel di bawah setakat 6 jam hanya menuai 19 komen. Manakala berita sebelumnya berusia 30 jam hanya menuai 9 komen.

Malah banyak juga yang memuji ketegasan Malaysia berbanding Indonesia yang terlalu tunduk kepada NGO hak asasi manusia walaupun 8 oorang perajurit mereka terkorban dibunuh puak bersenjata yang menuntut kemerdekaan Papua Barat dari Indonesia, dua minggu lalu.

Untuk rekod, pemberitaan media ini semasa mencipta pergeseran dengan Malaysia sangat bertali arus sehingga setiap berita mengundang ratusan komen dalam masa beberapa jam.
Sabtu, 02/03/2013 14:35 WIB

Malaysia Ancam Ambil Tindakan Drastis Atas Krisis Sabah

Sabah, - Otoritas Malaysia mengancam akan mengambil "tindakan drastis" terhadap para pengikut sultan Sulu asal Filipina, menyusul baku tembak yang menewaskan 14 orang di Sabah, Malaysia.
 Jumat, 01/03/2013 18:18 WIB

Polisi Malaysia Bentrok dengan Kelompok Bersenjata di Sabah, 10 Orang Tewas

Sabah - Aksi penyanderaan di Sabah, Malaysia berujung bentrokan. Baku tembak antara polisi Malaysia dengan kelompok bersenjata Filipina yang menduduki sebuah desa di wilayah tersebut tak terhindarkan.