Friday, April 20, 2012
Stok Sampingan Pemimpin Wanita Pakatan Rakyat
Anwar Rancang Bazirkan RM 30 Juta Wang Rakyat Selangor
EC: Separate polls in Selangor will cost taxpayers RM30mil
Pakatan Rakyat's proposal not to hold polls for Selangor simultaneously with the next general election will cost taxpayers RM30mil, said Electoral Commission Deputy Chairman Datuk Wan Ahmad Wan Omar. "It's their right to do so as long as they get consent, but what difference does it make to hold the elections later? The rakyat already know the candidates and the policies."
Percetakan Dakyah Merosak Akidah Bakal Berleluasa

KUALA LUMPUR: It was a significant leap for the publishing industry when the Printing Presses and Publications (Amendment) Bill 2012 was passed in the Dewan Rakyat at 2.20am on Friday.
The Bill was passed without amendments.
The Bill does not only do away with the requirement to renew a permit annually, but allows publishers to challenge in court any decision by the Home Minister to revoke or suspend permits.
The Bill, along with other legislation to broaden civil liberties, is part of the Government's political transformation efforts.