Thursday, September 18, 2014

Indonesia bakal laksana rasionalisasi subsidi

Jokowi mengatakan, dia tidak menggunakan istilah menaikkan harga BBM subsidi, namun mengalihkan anggaran subsidi.

Kamis, 18/09/2014 20:09 WIB

Jokowi: Saya Ganti Istilah Harga BBM Naik Biar OrangNggak Takut

Rista Rama Dhany - detikFinance

Jakarta - Kalangan pengusaha lewat Asosiasi Pengusaha Indonesia (Apindo) meminta pemerintahan baru Joko Widodo (Jokowi)-Jusuf Kalla (JK) menaikkan harga BBM subsidi. Apa kata Jokowi?

Di depan ratusan pengusaha anggota Apindo yang hadir, Jokowi mengatakan, dia tidak menggunakan istilah menaikkan harga BBM subsidi, namun mengalihkan anggaran subsidi.

"Mengalihkan, kita tidak pernah bicara menaikkan. (Mengalihkan) subsidi BBM ke sektor produktif, infrastruktur. Jadi bukan menaikkan, meskipun nanti harganya naik, tapi istilahnya biar orang nggak pada takut," tutur Jokowi dalam acara Roadmap Perekonomian Apindo di Hotel Four Seasons, Jakarta, Kamis (19/9/2014).

Jokowi mengatakan, saat ini anggaran pemerintah sangat mepet sisanya, sehingga ruang fiskal hampir tidak ada untuk membangun infrastruktur.

Ada anggaran subsidi Rp 443 trilun yang dialokasikan tahun depan. Belum lagi anggaran wajib yang harus disediakan, seperti untuk bayar utang, anggaran pendidikan minimal 20% dari total belanja APBN, serta anggaran gaji pegawai negeri.

"Jadi ruangnya sempit sekali," jelas Jokowi.

Karena itu, pengalihan subsidi BBM harus dilakukan, agar bisa dialihkan ke sektor-sektor yang produktif.

"Alihkan subsidi BBM ke irigasi, benih, pupuk untuk petani, mesin kapal dan solar untuk nelayan, infrastruktur yang mendukung kita produksi," jelas Jokowi yang didampingi JK.

Wartawan disiasat lapor Ketua Polis Indonesia tahu nasib MH370

Indonesia Police Chief's Alleged Big Claim About Missing Malaysian Plane: I Know 'What Really Happened'
Sep. 15, 2014 8:42am

While there's been no recent news about the March disappearance of Malaysian Airlines Flight 370 and the 239 people on board, a top Indonesian police official says he knows what happened. But Malaysian officials and the Indonesian government have since denied his claims.

Kompas, the national newspaper in Indonesia, reported that Indonesia Police Chief General Sutarman — his first name missing from many news reports about him — said he spoke with Tun Mohammed Hanif Omar, who was inspector general of the Royal Malaysian Police for 20 years but retired in 1994. After speaking with Omar, Sutarman said he now knows what happened to the plane that disappeared without a trace when it went off radar on a flight from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing six months ago.

"I spoke with the Chief of Police of Malaysia, Tun Mohammed Hanif Omar, I know what really happened with the MH370," Sutarman apparently told Kompas Friday (via an unofficial translation).
He did not provide more information to reporters about what he supposedly knew.

"The Malaysian Police and I have known the truth, but I will not reveal it here," the general, according to the Malaysian magazine Tempo.

That said, Malaysian Inspector-General of Police Tan Sri Khalid Abu Bakar, who has been more involved with reports involving MH370, told the Malaysian Chronicle he didn't know anything about the claims made by the Indonesian official.

According to the Malaysian Chronicle, both the Royal Malaysian Police and the Indonesian Embassy in Kuala Lumpur denied the account that the newspaper reported from Gen. Sutarman.

"The reporter will be summoned by the Indonesian Police Chief to clarify the report. Action will be taken if he failed to show any proof," Aby Nursetyanto with the Indonesian embassy said, according to the newspaper.