Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Sidang DUN Perak Dicemar Puak "Sekolah Jahat"

English version attached below

Sidang DUN Perak yang berlangsung pagi tadi kecoh apabila kesemua 28 wakil rakyat pembangkang bersikap luar profesionalisma mereka sebagai wakil rakyat, lalu menjadi wakil diri sendiri dalam agenda mencerca pemerintah yang juga diundi oleh separuh lagi rakyat.

Kepala boneka, Nizar Jamaluddin yang menyuarakan bantahan dari suara Nga dan Ngeh, mengambil jalan "sekolah budak jahat" dengan menganggap bahawa kemeriahan cuma ada apabila provokasi bodoh dibuat.

Akhirnya mereka keluar Dewan dan sidang petang ini telah cacat akibat tindakan keluar Dewan oleh wakil rakyat bodoh dari Pakatan Rakyat yang tidak langsung menggambarkan mereka adalah wakil kepada rakyat yang mengundi mereka kerana permasalahan di kawasan mereka itu dianggap 'normal-grouses' atau rungutan biasa.

Semalam Ngeh Koo Ham dengan nada samseng kongsi gelap Cina dengan selamba menyuarakan bahawa kehadiran polis di dalam Dewan memungkinkan mereka ditembak jika menyuarakan sesuatu yang tidak disukai ketika perbahasan.

Itu adalah contoh peguam kampung Chin Peng yang kehabisan idea namun tetap mahu menunjukkan dia adalah seorang peguam yang sengaja melakonkan watak Cina kebun demi undi.

The morning session of Perak state assembly tarnished by the PR hooligans in a kiddo act, away from profesionalism and turning their people representative into self-representation. Forget they may, half of Perakian are voting for BN.

The puppet, Nizar Jamaluddin is leading the mission to carry out Ngeh and Nga's voice and utter out a circus of enlightened monkeys in a house of representative of a sovereign state. They plan for a chaotic correctional school students atmosphere and for that, they wish to entertain the people with provocation.

Abjectly, the resuming session is now dilapidated by the attitude of PR's monkeys that choose to halt down by walking out of the assembly. I wonder if this content of an ingeneur and two lawyers is now in a transition into uncivilized ancient sapien.

They put all the constituency problems into normal grouses and try to link it with flaws that they impose by manipulation of law to made exist in federal affair.

Yesterday, Ngeh Koo Ham, the Chin Peng town representative in his kiddo statement yet like some big shot from the Chinese underworld (as his face give a serious impression) that sounded like, IF THE POLICE ARE THERE IN THE DEWAN, THEY MIGHT SHOOT US DEAD IF THEY UNHAPPY WITH OUR WORDS. Isn't it stupid for a lawyer to make such statement?

Aren't they all, not suit to be there represent the now downhearted rakyat that vote them? Ngeh is telling the nation that a well educated lawyer is capable to act like an uneducated Chinese farmers just for votes.


Anonymous said...

Dia duk ingat ini Republic of China kut, tempat orang2 tua dia mai dulu..


Tok mu said...

Haii.. tak abih lagi monyet buat demonstrasi. Kena bagi pisang lebih skit kot tak nanti mengamuk plak monyet terlepas dari zoo ni.