Hana Tajima, 23, fashion designer: "I became friends with a few Muslims in college, and was slightly affronted and curious at their lack of wanting to go out to clubs or socialise." Hana Tajima, seorang pereka fesyen " "saya berkawan dengan kawan-kawan Muslim di kolej dan saya hairan mengapa mereka tidak berminat untuk berpeleseran di kelab malam dan bersosial.
The Islamification of Britain: record numbers embrace Muslim faithSemakin ramai memeluk Islam di BritainTuesday, 4 January 2011The number of Britons choosing to become Muslims has nearly doubled in the past decade, according to one of the most comprehensive attempts to estimate how many people have embraced Islam. Jumlah orang Britain yang memilih Islam telah selipat kali ganda dekad yang lalu menurut sebuah kajian serius ke atas berapa ramai orang yang telah peluk islam.Following the global spread of violent Islamism, British Muslims have faced more scrutiny, criticism and analysis than any other religious community. Yet, despite the often negative portrayal of Islam, thousands of Britons are adopting the religion every year. Walaupun berlaku gambaran keganasan Islam dan penduduk Islam Britain menjadi mangsa kritik, remeh dan tumpuan kajian melampau berbanding agama lain, beribu-ribu orang Britain memilih agama itu setiap tahun.Estimating the number of converts living in Britain has always been difficult because census data does not differentiate between whether a religious person has adopted a new faith or was born into it. Previous estimates have placed the number of Muslim converts in the UK at between 14,000 and 25,000. Menganggar mualaf yang tinggal di Britain selalunya agak sukar berikutan data banci tidak membezakan sama ada seorang yang alim itu memang dilahirkan dalam agama tersebut atau baru memeluk agama itu. Anggaran terdahulu menunjukkan pemeluk Islam di UK adalah antara 14,000 hingga 25,000.
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