Monday, August 07, 2017

Kisah Mahathir menempelak Soros 1997

Hebatkah Mahathir yang tidak lagi menjafi Mahathir yang dulu. Jika dulu apa yang dilakukan semata-mata kesilapan, jelas sekali apa yang dilakukan olehnya di zaman kesilapan tidak layak dijunjung.

Mari lihat laporan mengenai Mahathir pada tahun 1997 yang mana hampir 20 tahun selepas itu, dia bersalam (mintak dana mungkin) dengan Soros. Mintak banyak sikit, dan tunjuk pada akaun mana ia masuk ye.

Malaysia's Mahathir Vs. 'Immoral' Markets

If Malaysian Prime Minister Mahathir had his way, international financier George Soros and other currency speculators would be out of a job and possibly behind bars. 
"Currency trading is unnecessary, unproductive and totally immoral," he told delegates at the joint annual meeting of the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund (IMF) in Hong Kong Sept. 20. "It should be stopped, it should be made illegal."
The comments add fuel to a debate over what can be done to curb the exchange-rate swings that take many developing nations on an economic roller coaster.
One trillion dollars changes hands in the currency markets every day - 20 times more than the amount needed to finance trade in goods and services.
Malaysia's leader contends that treating money as a commodity - such as oil or pork belly futures - serves no one other than the traders. "No substantial jobs are created, no products or services enjoyed by the average man in the street," he said.
Indeed, currency swings can play havoc with the ability of consumers to buy imported goods or businesses to expand abroad.
Dr. Mahathir contends that investment houses and the "hedge funds" that manage money for the wealthy manipulate currency and share prices with their huge resources.
And he has accused Mr. Soros of engineering the currency crisis that has seen the purchasing power of many Southeast Asian countries fall by as much as 30 percent since July.
Soros, who also spoke to the World Bank/IMF gathering, denied the charges. He said he has actually been betting that currencies like Malaysia's ringgit will strengthen, not depreciate.
"Interfering with the convertibility of capital at a moment like this," he added, "is a recipe for disaster. Dr. Mahathir is a menace to his own country." 
Most economists tend to agree with the financier. The IMF and World Bank maintain they warned Thailand and Malaysia ahead of time that their currencies were vulnerable because of underlying economic weaknesses, such as troubled banks or overambitious government spending.
Observers also say that Mahathir's proposal to eliminate the currency markets is impractical. "It means that every transaction must first be certified as a trade transaction," says Peter Kenen, a Princeton University finance scholar. "Then the currency license must be issued, then the currency must be sold."
Capital controls like these would increase the cost of doing business in more than one way, Mr. Kenen adds.
"Whenever there is a situation that people have to get licenses to do things and whenever there's [money] to be collected by withholding approval, inevitably there will be petty corruption."
Business leaders at the meeting echoed his concerns.
Jes Villa, who manages a stock fund in the Philippines, said that if he could no longer use currency deals to hedge the risks of international investing, he would go out of business.
Multinational companies have to buy local currency to finance their projects. But they often purchase contracts for US dollars at a fixed price in advance to guard against currency fluctuations.
Anwar Ibrahim, Malaysia's finance minister, called Sept. 23 for the IMF to lead the way in implementing new protections against the manipulation of Asian economies by hedge funds.
Hedge-fund manager Soros himself cautioned that the "excesses" of free markets don't always correct themselves.
Ironically, Malaysia's call for more restrictions on international finance comes as the IMF considers a proposal to open up the capital markets even further for its 181 IMF member countries - including Malaysia.
Mr. Ibrahim has tried to assuage investors, saying that Malaysia has no intention of implementing regulations like those proposed by his boss - unless the international community agrees. Investors were not quickly reassured, though. On the first trading day following Mahathir's speech, the ringgit fell another 3 percent to hit a record low.

Dengan ringgit dijatuhkan akibat asas ekonomi yang lemah dari RM2.50 ke RM5.00 dalam masa tak sampai enam bulan, orang kena buang merata-rata selepas itu, pertumbuhan ekonomi negatif, tendang Anwar, kesusahan ancaman terhadap gerakan reformasi semua, menang dua pertiga 1999 walaupun tanda tanya sangat besar, berbalas perbuatan u-turn di usia 92. Masih percayakan dia? Jangan malukan bangsa.


Anonymous said...

Hahaha..pusinglah ko. Tak ada siapa pun nak bg ulasan. Org baca pun x agaknya. Syok sendiri..

IPOH MALAY said...

Kesian tak paham English. Bodoh + Miskin = Melayu Mahathir

Anonymous said...

Terrrrbaik tn admin..kasi hantam lg..sehari dua ni artikel tuan sudah bikin macai2 cet det panas bontot..


Anonymous said...


Rupa2nya si madey kutty dan keturunan JAMBAN dia yg. disyaki si PENYAMAQ ZIONIS ni adalah PENYOKONG Yahudi ZIONIS yg. MENYAMAQ sbg. kononnya pertubuhan Agama Yahudi “Chabad“ – tapi rupa2nya Chabad ini adalah pertubuhan ZIONIS/MOSSAD-no-1 yg. diketuai Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson (Lubavitch Rebbe) ! Lihat di media Zionis ini di - , The Forgotten Malaysian Jews, Friday, July 17, 2009, TheAustralianJewishNews –!

Rabbi Schneerson ini merupakan PENYOKONG kuat Netanyahu/Ariel Sharon/IDF dan merupakan INSPIRASI polisi2/MO GENOSID2 amat KEJAM oleh ISrael ke atas Bukan Yahudi terutamanya umat Islam (seperti GENOSID2 amat KEJAM ke atas PELARIAN Palestin di Kem2 Sabara-Shatilla di Lebanon dulu dan di GAZA), oleh rejim TERORIS KANIBAL/NECROPHILIA (spesis suka merogol mayat2) ISrael!

Lihat asal usul Chabad dan Rabbi ZIONIS ini di - , Special Report: The Lubavitcher Rebbe and the IDF – A Legacy of Partnership and Support, By Raphael Poch July 1, 2014; dan di - , Why is the US Honoring a Racist Rabbi?, by Alison Weir!

Tok Labu.

Anonymous said...

Dan pertubuhan Chab*d di NEGARA ISLAM kita ni telah dibenaqkan diTUBUHkan waktu zaman Madey Kutty dengan MENYAMAQ sbg. PERNIAGAAN kilang industri Auto, dan telah mengaku berjumpa si Madey banyak kali dan kononnya seorang sepupunya dapat berkahwin dgn. KERABAT diRaja (kenapa dia sampai begitu penting utk. dapat JUMPA si Madey Kerala BANYAK kali) dan di KILANGnya; si ZIONIS ini menggantung imej si Schneerson ni dan juga MURAL di atas bumbung kilangnya ini ada imej Rabbi Avraham Shemtov dan bapa Pres. Bush [kalau pertubuhan ni hanya utk. Yahudi semata agama, kenapa ada mural imej POLITIK JAHANAM mcm. ni - bayangkanlah PEKERJA2 kilang ni diBASUH (brainwash) dg. IDEOLOGI Zionis ni – mungkin si TERORIS2 BerSHIT yg. GANAS tu dpt. TRAINING Mosssad di kilang ni)]! Juga disyaki sbg. pusat PENYELUDUPAN senjata dan dadah!

Malangnya KILANG ZIONIS ini masih berOPERASI di KL kita ni! Untuk tahu sipa si Rabbi Avraham Shemtov ni yg. merupakan kawan baik dan Leftenan utama Rabbi Schneerson/pertubuhan Chabad serta dapat menguasai White House“ dr. zaman Pres. Bush Sr hingga ke George Bush – lihat di media Zionis ini! Di - , Alexander Haig, the Rebbe and Israel: A Secret Revealed After 32 Years, By Steve Feldman, June 7, 2013; dan di - , Rabbi Reveals Oval Office Secrets Oct 10, 2008!

Tok Labu.