Saturday, May 24, 2008

Batu Puteh : Malaysia Malu

Utusan Malaysia

Sabtu 24 Mei 2008

Batu Putih hak Singapura - ICJ juga putuskan Middle Rocks kepunyaan Malaysia


THE HAGUE, Belanda 23 Mei – Pertikaian mengenai status Pulau Batu Putih yang berlarutan selama 28 tahun akhirnya diputuskan hari ini oleh Mahkamah Keadilan Antarabangsa (ICJ) di sini dengan menyerahkan kedaulatan pulau tersebut kepada Singapura.

Dalam penghakiman kira-kira sejam 45 minit itu, ICJ turut memutuskan bahawa Middle Rocks yang terletak kira-kira 0.5 batu nautika di selatan Pulau Batu Putih menjadi milik Malaysia manakala status satu lagi bentuk maritim iaitu South Ledge akan menjadi milik negara di perairan mana pulau itu terletak.

Pemangku Presiden ICJ, Hakim Awn Shawkat Al-Khasawneh ketika membaca keputusan kes tuntutan bertindih itu berkata, status mengenai kedaulatan ke atas Pulau Batu Putih diputuskan oleh majoriti 12-4 hakim, manakala majoriti 15-1 hakim pula bersetuju berhubung kedudukan Middle Rocks dan South Ledge.

Penyerahan kedaulatan Pulau Batu Putih yang dari sudut sejarahnya adalah milik Kesultanan Johor diputuskan oleh ICJ berdasarkan kepada surat balasan pemangku Setiausaha Kerajaan Negeri Johor pada tahun 1953 yang menyebut Johor tidak menuntut hak milik ke atas Pedra Branca, iaitu nama dalam bahasa Portugis bagi Pulau Batu Putih.

“Jawapan balas itu adalah berkaitan dengan pulau tersebut secara keseluruhannya dan bukan semata-mata rumah api.

“Apabila surat itu dibaca dalam konteks permintaan oleh Singapura mengenai maklumat status Pulau Batu Putih, adalah menjadi bukti bahawa surat berkenaan menyentuh isu kedaulatan pulau tersebut.

“Oleh itu mahkamah menyimpulkan bahawa surat jawapan itu jelas menunjukkan bahawa mulai tahun 1953, Johor maklum ia tidak lagi mempunyai kedaulatan ke atas Pedra Branca/Pulau Batu Putih,” kata Shawkat yang mempengerusikan persidangan ICJ bagi memutuskan tuntutan bertindih ke atas Pulau Batu Putih, Middle Rocks dan South Ledge.

Beliau bersidang bersama 15 orang hakim lain.

Tuntutan ke atas Pulau Batu Putih bermula pada 14 Februari 1980 apabila Singapura mengemukakan nota bantahan kepada Malaysia menuntut pulau itu sebagai sebahagian daripada wilayah berdaulatnya.

Tuntutan Singapura ke atas Middle Rocks dan South Ledge pula hanya timbul pada 6 Februari 1993 ketika berlangsungnya perbincangan dua hala di antara kedua-dua negara berhubung pertikaian Pulau Batu Putih.

Keputusan mahkamah itu adalah muktamad dan tiada mekanisme rayuan bagi keputusan ICJ yang merupakan badan perundangan tertinggi Pertubuhan Bangsa-Bangsa Bersatu.

Malaysia dan Singapura melalui satu perjanjian yang dimeterai di Putrajaya pada 6 Februari 2003 bersetuju untuk merujuk pertikaian sempadan berhubung Pulau Batu Putih kepada ICJ.

Perjanjian yang ditandatangani pada 9 Februari 2003 dan berkuat kuasa pada 9 Mei tahun sama itu antara lain berbunyi, “Melalui Perjanjian Khas, kedua-dua pihak memohon kepada ICJ untuk menentukan kedaulatan Pedra Branca/Pulau Batu Putih, Middle Rocks dan South Ledge milik Malaysia atau Singapura. Kedua-dua negara akan menerima keputusan mahkamah sebagai muktamad dan mengikat kedua-dua pihak.”

Selepas menghantar memorial (hujah bertulis), kedua-dua negara memulakan hujah lisan pada 6 hingga 23 November lalu.

Memetik penghakiman kes tersebut secara lebih terperinci, Shawkat berkata, fakta kes menunjukkan bahawa sebaik sahaja menerima surat balasan dari Johor, Setiausaha Koloni Singapura telah menghantar satu memorandum dalaman kepada Peguam Negara yang menyebut bahawa beliau berpendapat “berdasarkan kekuatan surat jawapan itu, kita boleh menuntut Pedra Branca.”

Selain surat dari Johor pada 1953, mahkamah turut berpandukan kepada fakta kes berhubung tindak tanduk United Kingdom dan Singapura di Pulau Batu Putih yang menurut ICJ tidak terbatas kepada penyelenggara rumah api semata-mata.

Shawkat berkata, mahkamah berpendapat bahawa tindakan-tindakan Singapura termasuk menyiasat kemalangan marin di perairan pulau tersebut, kawalan mereka terhadap siri lawatan, pemasangan peralatan komunikasi kapal dan pelan penambakan lautnya jelas menunjukkan wujud a titre de souverain (tindak tanduk yang menunjukkan ia mempunyai kedaulatan) terutama selepas tahun 1953.

Malaysia, katanya, tidak menunjukkan tindak balas dalam bentuk apa sekali pun terhadap kegiatan-kegiatan Singapura malah pihak berkuasa Johor gagal melakukan sebarang tindakan ke atas Pulau Batu Putih bermula dari Jun 1850.

Lebih daripada itu, jelas beliau, keputusan mahkamah memihak kepada Singapura didorong oleh fakta republik itu bertindak mengeluarkan kebenaran kepada pegawai-pegawai dari Malaysia yang datang ke pulau berkenaan pada tahun 1978 bagi menjalankan kajian perairan di sekeliling Pulau Batu Putih.


“Tindak tanduk itu dilihat menunjukkan wujudnya kedaulatan dan memberi sokongan yang amat penting kepada tuntutan Singapura terhadap kedaulatan Pedra Branca/Pulau Batu Putih,” kata Shawkat.

Shawkat yang mengetuai kumpulan 16 hakim termasuk dua hakim ad hoc yang masing-masing dilantik oleh Malaysia dan Singapura turut menarik perhatian mahkamah mengenai kegagalan Malaysia membantah pengibaran panji-panji British dan Singapura di Rumah Api Horsburgh di pulau itu yang turut memberi kesan kepada kes tuntutan bertindih itu.

Selain itu, enam peta yang dikeluarkan oleh Malaysia antara tahun 1962 dan 1975 yang dipertikaikan oleh Singapura kerana tertera perkataan ‘Lighthouse, P. Batu Puteh, (Horsburgh) (SINGAPORE) atau (SINGAPURA)' di Pulau Batu Putih turut menjadi rujukan ICJ yang disifatkan oleh barisan hakim sebagai mengesahkan bahawa Malaysia menganggap pulau itu adalah di bawah kedaulatan republik berkenaan.

“Mahkamah membuat kesimpulan berdasarkan titre de souverain Singapura, selain tindak-tanduk Malaysia termasuk kegagalannya untuk bertindak balas terhadap tindakan-tindakan republik itu, bahawa pada 1980 kedaulatan Pedra Branca/Pulau Batu Putih telah diserahkan kepada Singapura,” katanya.

Mengenai Middle Rocks, Shawkat berkata, bentuk maritim itu mempunyai status undang-undang yang sama dengan Pulau Batu Putih dari sudut sejarahnya iaitu kedaulatannya adalah di bawah kesultanan Johor.

Katanya, mengambil kira fakta tersebut, penyerahan Pulau Batu Putih kepada Singapura yang didorong oleh surat pada 1953 dan kegagalan Malaysia bertindak balas terhadap tindak tanduk republik itu tidak memberi kesan kepada Middle Rocks.

Oleh itu, jelas Shawkat, hak milik asal Middle Rocks kekal kepada Malaysia yang mewarisi kesultanan Johor, kecuali terbukti sebaliknya di mana mahkamah mendapati Singapura tidak mengemukakan sebarang bukti yang bertentangan.

Dalam keputusan mengenai hak milik South Ledge pula, kata Shawkat, mahkamah berpendapat bentuk maritim itu berada di perairan bertindih antara Pulau Batu Putih yang kini menjadi milik Singapura dan Middle Rocks yang kekal bersama Malaysia.

“Mahkamah hanya diminta untuk memutuskan kedaulatan ketiga-tiga bentuk maritim itu secara berasingan dan pada masa yang sama mahkamah tidak diberi kuasa untuk menetapkan garis persempadanan wilayah perairan Malaysia dan Singapura.

“Dalam hal ini, mahkamah merumuskan kedaulatan South Ledge adalah milik negara yang perairannya terletak bentuk maritim itu,” kata beliau.

Delegasi Malaysia ke ICJ hari ini diketuai oleh Menteri Luar, Datuk Seri Dr. Rais Yatim; Ejen Malaysia dan Duta Tugas-Tugas Khas, Tan Sri Abdul Kadir Mohamad; Ejen Bersama, Datuk Noor Farida Ariffin; Peguam Negara, Tan Sri Abdul Gani Patail; Ketua Setiausaha Kementerian Luar, Tan Sri Rastam Mohd. Isa; dan Timbalan Setiausaha (Pembangunan) Kerajaan Negeri Johor.

Barisan peguam antarabangsa yang mewakili Malaysia pula terdiri daripada Sir Elihu Lauterpacht, James Crawford, Nicolaas Jan Schrijver, Marcelo G. Kohen, dan Penelope Nevill. Lauterpacht bagaimanapun tidak hadir hari ini.

Singapura pula diwakili antara lain oleh Timbalan Perdana Menteri, S. Jayakumar; Ketua Hakim, Chan Sek Keong; Duta Kembara, Tommy Koh; dan Duta Anil Kumar Nayar.


Pulau Batu Puteh ini sememangnya tidak membawa apa-apa makna dalam menarik pelancong atau untuk aktiviti pelancongan. Namun kedudukannya sebagai pintu masuk ke Pelabuhan Singapura memang membuatkannya penting kepada Singapura. Tidak hairanlah bahawa Singapura telah membina dan menyelia rumah api di kawasan tersebut sejak 130 tahun lalu.

Selepas Singapura dikeluarkan dari Malaysia, status Pulau Batu Puteh tidak dirungkai dalam persempadanan Malaysia - Singapura. Namun sejak 1980, Singapura telah mengemukakan dakwaan bahawa Pulau Batu Puteh adalah miliknya berdasarkan kependudukan Singapura di pulau itu dengan fasiliti rumah api sejak sekian lama. Ini diperjelaskan lagi apabila terdapat fakta bahawa Johor 'melepaskan' Pedra Branca sejak tahun 1953.

Yang jelas ialah, lokasi tidak menjamin penguasaan sesebuah negara atas pulau yang dituntut. Batu Puteh merupakan ekor paling akhir mengikut pembentukan Banjaran Titiwangsa. Fakta lokasi tidak menjamin apa-apa.

Agak memalukan apabila Malaysia membawa kes tersebut ke Mahkamah Keadilan Antarabangsa yang terletak di Belanda. Sesungguhnya, ketika Nusantara dibahagi dua oleh Inggeris dan Belanda, sudah tentulah Batu Puteh menjadi sebahagian dari amanat Stamford Raffles yang menduduki Singapura 5 tahun sebelumnya.

Sudah tentulah Batu Puteh menjadi milik Singapura dengan daya usaha Singapura membangunkan teknologi pengawasan perairan yang 'dijaga' olehnya sejak 130 tahun yang lalu.

Seandainya Batu Puteh milik Malaysia, siapa yang boleh memberi jaminan bahawa kependudukan Singapura di pulau tersebut tidak akan berubah. Dan sekiranya pada keadaan itu, Batu Puteh merupakan radar ekonomi WPI, siapa yang boleh menjamin bahawa pelaburan Singapura untuk memajukan pulau tersebut dengan teknologinya yang dibantu US dan Israel akan ditolak oleh kerajaan Malaysia.

Sesungguhnya, tuntutan Malaysia ke atas Batu Puteh adalah sesuatu yang memalukan.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Amaran Kemarau

Tiupan angin Tenggara pada imej Jabatan Meteorologi Malaysia melalui satelit FY2C menunjukkan atmosfera kering ( dihitamkan ) telah mula tiba di Johor dan Sarawak. Keadaan iklim ini adalah sama seperti di gurun pasir Australia Tengah dan kelihatan ianya datang dari benua tersebut jika tiupan angin Tenggara diambil kira.

9.10 pagi 21.05.08

Menurut skala BRITS yang mengukur kandungan air dalam atmosfera, zon hitam ini mempunyai nilai antara 25 hingga 45 GMS, berbeza dengan atmosfera normal bagi Malaysia iaitu antara 65 hingga 100 GMS pada cuaca panas dan kering yang normal.

Amaran telah dikeluarkan oleh jabatan berkaitan di Indonesia berhubung langkah waspada terhadap ancaman musim kemarau di Sumatera Barat dan Selatan, Jawa dan Kalimantan. Namun, Jabatan Meteorologi Malaysia masih tidak mengeluarkan sebarang kenyataan berhubung fenomena lazim pertengahan tahun yang biasa melanda ini.

Lebih daripada itu, perubahan iklim dunia yang mendadak dikhuatiri akan menjadikan musim kemarau kali ini lebih buruk dari tahun-tahun sebelumnya memandangkan ia mampu untuk menyebabkan musim tengkujuh berlaku secara luar biasa.

Kementerian Kesihatan Malaysia telah mula mengambil langkah berjaga-jaga terhadap kebarangkalian fenomena jerebu akibat kebakaran hutan yang mungkin berlaku sepanjang musim kemarau yang dijangka telah bermula dan di ramal berakhir menjelang September.

Sesungguhnya Semenanjung Malaysia telah terlangkau musim kemarau selama beberapa tahun. Musim kemarau kali ini diramalkan memberi kesan yang agak besar dan sedikit ekstrim.

Di sini, ingin penulis nyatakan bahawa, malang sekali apabila di Malaysia terdapat pemimpin yang tidak cerdik dan buta geografi, yang menjanjikan pemberian air secara percuma kepada pengguna sebagai manifesto pilihanraya dan menjadikannya sebagai langkah terkebelakang, membuta tuli dan membabi buta dalam mendidik rakyat untuk menghargai sumber air negara terutamanya apabila krisis bekalan air mungkin kembali menghantui Lembah Klang tahun ini. Wallahualam.

Monday, May 19, 2008

Tun M Keluar UMNO

The Associated Press

Malaysia's former PM Mahathir quits ruling party deepening cracks

Published: May 19, 2008

KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia: Malaysian news reports say former Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad has quit the ruling party after a long feud with his successor.

The Star newspaper and Malaysiakini news portals say Mahathir is quitting the United Malays National Organization party with immediate effect. He is urging other members to do the same.

Malaysiakini said Mahathir announced this at a speech in Kedah state on Monday.

It quoted him as saying: "I will only come back to the party when there is a change in leadership." He said his decision is a sign of no-confidence in the leadership of Prime Minister Abdullah Ahmad Badawi.

Mahathir appointed Abdullah to succeed him in 2003 when he retired after 22 years as prime minister. But the two fell out within a year.- AP


Tun Mahathir membuat keputusan mengejut dengan mengumumkan beliau keluar UMNO. Beliau yang pernah dicantas Tunku Abdul Rahman pada tahun 1969 mengakui bahawa pada tempoh tersebut beliau masih lagi ahli UMNO. Beliau turut menyelar Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim yang keluar UMNO dan menyerang UMNO dengan menubuhkan Parti Keadilan Rakyat 10 tahun yang lalu. Beliau mengatakan bahawa beliau sendiri walaupun pernah diketepikan, tidak bertindak untuk keluar UMNO.

Hari ini, Tun Mahathir tidak lagi bersama UMNO. Sekurang-kurangnya sehingga pucuk pimpinan bertukar. Boleh ke macamni?

Tun Mahathir ingin mengulang sejarah tradisi UMNO. Atau beliau terpengaruh dengan sindiran dan sakarsme penulis komen dalam blog beliau yang menyatakan bahawa pengasas UMNO dan pemaju UMNO sendiri menghabiskan masa hujung usia diluar UMNO.

Begitulah impak yang cuba dibawa oleh Tun Mahathir. Beliau dengan berani, menyeru mereka yang menyokongnya untuk keluar UMNO. Apa yang cuba beliau sampaikan kepada orang ramai tidak dapat difahami untuk diduga. Beliau membuat kegemparan untuk meruntuhkan tiang UMNO.

Maka rosaklah UMNO yang selama ini dirosakkan oleh tangan-tangan yang tidak bertanggungjawab membusukkan namanya sejak dulu. UMNO sebenarnya telah rosak sejak zaman Tunku Abdul Rahman lagi. Kerosakan itu diteruskan oleh pemimpin-pemimpin terkemudian yang pada hemat penulis, ditaja oleh anasir-anasir luar.

Ini mungkin kerana pemimpin Melayu yang menyatakan bahawa Melayu mudah lupa, kini telah lupa segala-galanya atau sebenarnya ia pura-pura lupa.

Berikut ialah komen penulis dalam blog Tun M yang dihantar pada jam 3.41 pagi 20.05.08 yang penulis pasti, tidak akan disiarkan oleh beliau.

sampai hati tun tinggalkan kami berjuang tanpa kepala dlm umno untuk menukar pucuk pimpinan...

dulu tun biar kami pertahan tun dlm blogosphere... pastu tun join

skang tun tinggal kami orang umno yang nak lihat perubahan..

umno tak salah.. umno tak berdosa.. pemimpin-pemimpin yang kemudi umno yang salah..

kesilapan berlaku sejak zaman tunku..

pergi tak dihalau.. pulang tak dijemput..

semoga tun bahagia..

Friday, May 16, 2008

Orang Ipoh Dalam Bahaya?

Utusan Malaysia 16 Mei 2008

Penduduk Ipoh terdedah penyakit paru-paru


MANJUNG 15 Mei - Penduduk Ipoh kini terdedah kepada risiko menghidap penyakit radang paru- paru dan lelah ekoran keadaan berjerebu di bandar raya itu yang dipercayai berpunca daripada aktiviti kilang simen.

Pengarah Kesihatan Perak, Datuk Ahmad Razin Ahmad Mahir berkata, berbeza dengan bandar-bandar lain di Perak dan negeri-negeri lain, Ipoh kini cukup berjerebu.

''Keadaan berjerebu ini mungkin biasa bagi penduduk Ipoh tetapi orang luar tengok berbeza. Lebih setahun saya duduk di Ipoh, debu penuh atas kereta selepas dua hari dibasuh.

''Tidak mustahil habuk kecil ini tidak masuk ke dalam paru-paru dan ini boleh mendatangkan penyakit paru-paru seperti radang dan asma," katanya kepada pemberita selepas merasmikan Hari Kesihatan Sedunia Peringkat Negeri Perak di Dewan Merdeka di sini hari ini.

Hari Kesihatan Sedunia disambut di seluruh dunia pada setiap 7 April dan tema pada tahun ini ialah ''Melindungi Kesihatan daripada Perubahan Iklim".

Mengulas lanjut, Ahmad Razin berkata, beliau telah mengarahkan pegawai-pegawainya membuat kajian perbandingan kadar jangkitan penyakit radang paru-paru, asma dan merah mata di Ipoh dan bandar lain di negeri ini bagi melihat sama ada keadaan udara di Ipoh boleh membahayakan kesihatan.

StatistikKatanya, statistik rekod perbandingan itu akan dikeluarkan dalam tempoh beberapa minggu lagi tetapi ia tidak akan didedahkan.

''Sekiranya terdapat perbezaan dalam statistik tersebut, pihak industri kilang simen perlu buat sesuatu dan jabatan kerajaan berkaitan juga perlu awasi perkara ini," tegas beliau.

Ditanya sama ada penduduk Ipoh perlu memakai topeng sebagai langkah keselamatan, Ahmad Razin enggan mengulas sebaliknya menasihatkan mereka yang mengalami masalah batuk, sakit dada, asma atau merah mata supaya mendapatkan rawatan segera di hospital atau klinik.


Datuk Dr. Ahmad Razin yang menggantikan Datuk Dr. Prathapa Senan sebagai Pengarah Kesihatan Negeri Perak pada penghujung 2006 telah mengisukan mengenai perkara ini selepas lebih setahun mendiami Ipoh. Apakah baru kini kilang-kilang simen di Lembah Kinta mula memberi kesan kepada penduduk Ipoh. Tasek Cement yang terletak di Tasek iaitu di tengah-tengah pentadbiran Majlis Bandaraya Ipoh telah beroperasi sejak tahun 1960an. Beribu-ribu aduan barangkali telah kedengaran berhubung pelepasan pepejal terampai dari kilang tersebut sejak ia memulakan operasi. Begitu juga dengan kilang simen Lafarge ( dahulunya APMC ) yang terletak di Kanthan, Chemor iaitu kira-kira 17km ke utara Ipoh. Kedua-dua kilang ini telah lama beroperasi. Mengikut kepercayaan orang-orang Cina di Malaysia, masakan di Ipoh lebih sedap kerana punca airnya mengandungi mineral yang tinggi kesan dari mukabumi berbatu kapur. Apakah faktor pepejal terampai boleh menjadi penambah perisa? Ataupun lahirnya artis-artis tempatan dan antarabangsa di Ipoh ada disebabkan oleh pepejal terampai ini? ( sekadar jenaka ). Apa yang pasti, kami warga Ipoh telah hidup dengan 'pepejal terampai' ini sejak berpuluh tahun dan sekiranya baru hari ini permasalahan ini dikemukakan dengan kajian serius, kami sangat mengalu-alukannya.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

May 13, 1969

May 13 Incident
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Events leading to 13 May 1969

The May 13 Incident followed the release of results for the 1969 general election, which campaign was bitterly fought among various political parties prior to polling day on 10 May 1969, and party leaders stoking racial and religious sentiments in order to win support. The Pan Malaysian Islamic Party (PAS) accused the United Malays National Organisation (UMNO) of selling the rights of the Malays to the Chinese, while the Democratic Action Party (DAP) accused Malaysian Chinese Association (MCA) of giving in to UMNO. The DAP promoted the concept of a "Malaysian Malaysia", which would deprive the Malays of their special rights under the Constitution. Both the DAP and Singapore's People's Progressive Party (PAP) objected to Malay as the national language and proposed multi-lingualism in its stead.

Senior Alliance politicians, including Prime Minister Tunku Abdul Rahman, accused Singapore-based People's Action Party of involvement in the campaign, as it had done during the 1964 general election campaign (at the time when Singapore was part of the Malaysian federation between 1963 and 1965).

The run-up to the election was marred by two deaths: that of an UMNO election agent, who was killed by a group of armed Chinese youths in Penang and that of a member of the Labour Party of Malaya (LPM), who was killed in Kepong, Selangor.[1]

There was a contrast in the handling of these two deaths. The UMNO worker was buried without publicity, the LPM casualty was honoured at a parade on 9 May when some 3000 LPM members marched from Kuala Lumpur to Kepong, violating regulations and trying to provoke incidents with the police. Participants sang Communist songs, waved red flags, and called upon the people to boycott the general election. Amidst this tension, the general election was held on 10 May 1969. Election day itself passed without any incident and the result shows the opposition had tied with the Alliance for control of the Selangor state legislature.

On 12 May, thousands of Chinese marched through Kuala Lumpur, parading through predominantly Malay areas which hurled insults that led to the incident.[1]

The events of 13 May

Members of UMNO Youth gathered in Kuala Lumpur at the residence of Selangor Menteri Besar, Dato' Harun bin Haji Idris, on 13 May and demanded that they too should hold a victory celebration; at the national level the Alliance had gained a majority in Parliament, albeit a reduced one, and in Selangor it had gained the majority by cooperating with the sole independent candidate.

Declaration of emergency

Many people in Kuala Lumpur were caught in the racial violence. Dozens were injured and some killed, houses and cars were burnt and wrecked. The violence was largely limited to Kuala Lumpur although there were isolated outbreaks in Melaka, Perak and Penang.

The government ordered an immediate curfew throughout the state of Selangor & Kuala Lumpur. Security forces comprising some 2000 Malay Regiment soldiers and 3600 Police officers were deployed and took control of the situation. Over 300 Chinese families were moved to refugee centres at the Merdeka Stadium and Tiong Nam Settlement.

On 14 May 1969, a state of emergency was declared throughout the country, and on 16 May the National Operations Council (NOC) was established by proclamation of the Yang di-Pertuan Agong (King of Malaysia) headed by Tun Abdul Razak. With Parliament suspended, the NOC became the supreme decision-making body for the next 18 months. State and District Operations Councils took over state and local government.

The NOC implemented security measures to restore law and order in the country, including the establishment of an unarmed Vigilante Corps, a territorial army, and police force battalions. The restoration of order in the country was gradually achieved. Curfews continued in most parts of the country, but were gradually scaled back. Peace was restored in the affected areas within two months. In February 1971 parliamentary rule was re-established.

On its formation in 1963, Malaysia suffered from a sharp division of wealth between the Chinese, who were perceived to control a large portion of the Malaysian economy, and the Malays, who were perceived to be more poor and rural. This was the common perception even though the British left all of their conglomerates (mostly plantation sectors) into the hands of the ruling Malays. These already successful companies started by the former colonial masters were the economy of this new born nation which are still going strong till this day.

The 1964 Race Riots in Singapore contributed to the expulsion of that state from Malaysia, and racial tension continued to simmer, with many Malays dissatisfied by their newly independent government's perceived willingness to placate the Chinese at their expense.

Politics in Malaysia at this time were mainly Malay-based, with an emphasis on special privileges for the Malays — other indigenous Malaysians, grouped together collectively with the Malays under the title of "bumiputra" would not be granted a similar standing until after the riots. There had been a recent outburst of Malay passion for ketuanan Melayu — Malay supremacy — after the National Language Act of 1967, which in the opinion of some Malays, had not gone far enough in the act of enshrining Malay as the national language. Heated arguments about the nature of Malay privileges, with the mostly Chinese opposition mounting a "Malaysian Malaysia" campaign had contributed to the separation of Singapore on 9 August 1965, and inflamed passions on both sides.

The causes of the rioting can be analysed to have the same root as the 1964 Race Riots in Singapore. The event started from sentiments before the election, for example, at a parade on 9 May some 3000 LPM members marched from Kuala Lumpur to Kepong, violating regulations and trying to provoke incidents with the police. Participants sang Communist songs, waved red flags, and called upon the people to boycott the general election. Amidst this tension, the general election was held on 10 May 1969. Election day itself passed without any incident and the result shows the opposition had tied with the Alliance for control of the Selangor state legislature. On 12 May, thousands of Chinese marched through Kuala Lumpur and parading through predominantly Malay areas which hurled insults that led to the incident.

In addition, Malay leaders who were angry about the election results used the press to attack their opponents, contributing to raising public anger and tension among the Malay and Chinese communities.[citation needed]

1969 riots

In the May 10, 1969 general elections, the ruling Alliance coalition headed by the United Malays National Organization (UMNO) suffered a large setback in the polls. The largely Chinese opposition Democratic Action Party and Gerakan gained in the elections, and secured a police permit for a victory parade through a fixed route in Kuala Lumpur. However, the rowdy procession deviated from its route and headed through the Malay district of Kampung Baru, jeering at the inhabitants. [2] Some demonstrators carried brooms, later alleged to symbolise the sweeping out of the Malays from Kuala Lumpur, while others chanted slogans about the "sinking" of the Alliance boat — the coalition's logo.

While the Gerakan party issued an apology the next day, UMNO announced a counter-procession, which would start from the Selangor Chief Minister Harun bin Idris' home in Jalan Raja Muda. Tunku Abdul Rahman would later call the retaliatory parade "inevitable, as otherwise the party members would be demoralised after the show of strength by the Opposition and the insults that had been thrown at them."

Shortly before the procession began, the gathering crowd was reportedly informed that Malays on their way to the procession had been attacked by Chinese in Setapak, several miles to the north.[citation needed] The angry protestors swiftly wreaked revenge by killing two passing Chinese motorcyclists, and the riot began.

The riot ignited the capital Kuala Lumpur and the surrounding state of Selangor — according to Time, spreading throughout the city in 45 minutes[4] — but except for minor disturbances in Melaka the rest of the country stayed calm. A nationwide state of emergency and accompanying curfew were declared on May 16, but the curfew was relaxed in most parts of the country for two hours on May 18 and not enforced even in central Kuala Lumpur within a week.[citation needed]

However, incidents of violence continued to occur in the weeks after May 13, with the targets now not only being Malay or Chinese, but also Indian. Time argued that this showed that "the struggle has become more clearly than ever the Malay extremists' fight for total hegemony." Although violence did not occur in the rural areas, Time found that ethnic conflict had manifested itself in subtler forms, with Chinese businessmen refusing to make loans available for Malay farmers, or to transport agricultural produce from Malay farmers and fishermen.

According to police figures, 196 people died and 149 were wounded. 753 cases of arson were logged and 211 vehicles were destroyed or severely damaged. An estimated 6,000 Kuala Lumpur residents — 90% of them Chinese — were made homeless. Various other casualty figures have been given, with one thesis from a UC Berkeley academic, as well as Time, putting the total dead at ten times the government figure.

Despite the opposition of the DAP and PPP, the Alliance government passed the amendments, having maintained the necessary two-thirds Parliamentary majority. In Britain, the laws were condemned, with The Times of London stating they would "preserve as immutable the feudal system dominating Malay society" by "giving this archaic body of petty constitutional monarchs incredible blocking power"; the move was cast as hypocritical, given that Deputy Prime Minister Tun Abdul Razak had spoken of "the full realisation that important matters must no longer be swept under the carpet..."

The Rukunegara, the de facto Malaysian pledge of allegiance, was another reaction to the riot. The pledge was introduced on August 31, 1970 as a way to foster unity among Malaysians.

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Taufan Pasifik Barat Bermula

Terdapat satu lagi taufan yang bakal membadai daratan terbentuk di Pasifik Barat dan kini mungkin menghampiri Filipina. Taufan-taufan Pasifik Barat biasanya membadai Filipina, Vietnam, Hainan, Hong Kong, Taiwan, persisiran pantai China, Korea Selatan dan Jepun. Taufan Rammasun yang baru terbentuk mengikut imej Jabatan Meteorologi Malaysia, telah melengkapkan pusarannya dan sedang mengumpul kekuatannya.

Taufan-taufan sebegini diramalkan akan mlambatkan monsun dan merubah musim pertanian dunia dan menambah parah kepada krisis makanan dunia.

Walaubagaimanapun taufan Rammasun di jangka tidak menghempas daratan. Ia akan bergerak ke perairan Jepun dan menjadi lemah. Ini merupakan taufan pertama yang terbentuk di Pasifik Barat pada tahun ini. Ianya bermula dengan pergerakan ke arah Utara dan turun berperingkat menghempas Korea, China, Taiwan, Hongkong, Vietnam dan Filipina sehingga Disember. Dikatakan pada masa depan siklon ini akan mampu untuk tiba di Malaysia.

Kita Tersalah Sistem !

Pada pendapat saya, isu perkauman adalah hasil buruk dari tangan ahli politik. Politik membunuh perkembangan keharmonian kaum di Malaysia yang mampu menjadi lebih baik tanpa penggemparan seperti hari ini.

Kita masih menampakkan bahawa kita cuba mengada-adakan susana harmoni di tempat awam. Bagaimana di hati? Jangan nafikan. ( Ini adalah perbincangan, bukan?) Tetapi mengapa ahli politik yang diperkatakan. Saya rasa mereka menganggap mereka hanya berkata-kata. Kononnya mereka sebenarnya tidak berbuat apa pun kerosakan. Tetapi tidak semua orang Melayu beranggapan sedemikian. Saya risau orang Melayu kelak mengamuk kerana perkataan 'amuck' itu datangnya dari bahasa Melayu.

Untuk berbicara tentang isu perkauman atas dasar perbincangan, ianya sepatutnya dilihat dari sudut ilmiah. Tetapi bukan semua rakyat Malaysia berfikiran sedemikian.

Walaupun saya boleh bertolak ansur melihat sistem raja-raja diperbaiki, saya tak boleh melihat kritik itu atang dari seorang wakil golongan yang bukan sahaja tidak mahu dimelayukan langsung, malah membenci elemen kemelayuan.

Bukanlah sebab pemerintahan Mahathir yang menyebabkan raja-raja berdiam diri, sebenarnya kerajaan hari ini membelakangi raja tidak kira pemerintah mahupun pembangkang. Memang patutlah Kesultanan Perak memalukan Nizar kerana membelakangkan institusi beraja. Kesultanan Perak hari ini mahir undang-undang. Apa yang terlihat pada Nizar hanyalah sedikit ketulahan.

Para pendatang seratus tahun lalu ini, cuba kita lihat, bukan sahaja bahasa mereka berbeza dengan bahasa kerajaan, malah bahasa raja negara yang kononnya mereka setia kepadanya. Malah mereka menolak kepentingan bahasa Melayu. Hari ini mereka mahukan bahasa bekas penjajah yakni Inggeris. Mereka mahu meruntuhkan tembok bumiputra dan bukan bumiputra, tetapi malang sekali, mereka menolak keras asimilasi yang merupakan kunci kepada kesamarataan kaum.

Dalam desakan pelik mereka, langsung tiada tangan yang mahir untuk mengendalikannya. Rakyat memilih pencetus kontroversi dan menolak pembina negara. Ini menggegar kerukunan negara. Pemimpin ini diundi rakyat yang mahu menunjukkan demokrasi tulen yang pada hakikatnya langsung tidak bersesuaian dengan keadaan sosial negara ini sekurang-kurangnya sehingga hari ini.

Saya percaya kita mampu memperlihatkan tahap tertinggi hormat menghormati kita sesama kaum. Ianya hanya dengan kekuatan kerajaan dua pertiga yang dianggotai oleh pemimpin yang bekerja dan bukan retorik semata-mata yang sesiapa pun mengakui, akan mendapat faedah sampingan atas jerih perih mereka mengendalikan negara.

Seperti yang dikatakan oleh Tun M, kerajaan yang lemah tidak elok untuk sebuah negara berbilang kaum.

Dan saya menyatakan bahawa kerajaan campuran / kerajaaan majoriti kecil / majoriti mudah hanya sesuai untuk negara satu bangsa satu bahasa seperti Jepun, Itali, Thai, Indonesia dan mana-mana yang sepertinya dan bukannya pada sebuah negara seperti Malaysia yang rakyatnya terbahagi jelas perbezaannya sehinggakan diada persamaan dalam bahasa, kesusasteraan, seni, agama, adat resam, kehidupan seharian, hiburan, muzik, jenaka, sentimen malah penuh dengan pendapat yang tidak diketahui semua.

Pemakaian sistem kerajaan lemah seperti hari ini adalah pemula kepada sebuah ketidaktentuan yang merosakkan.

Apatah lagi dengan adanya otak-otak Karpal dan DAP di dalam sebuah barisan pembangkang yang kuat. Yang celupar dan membenci untuk dimelayukan. Kita sebenarnya tersalah gunapakai sistem di negara ini. Kita patut sekuat kerajaan Singapura. Namun mengapa hari ini kita gagal? Kerana majoriti rakyat kita telah beku otaknya akibat dikencing hidup-hidup oleh pemburu kuasa yang gila.

Kita hanya menunggu masa untuk melihat runtuhnya sebuah sistem yang dahulunya dihormati sekiranya kita tidak memilih untuk diperintah oleh kerajaan yang kuat dan kukuh dan tidak merelakan negara ini dipimpin oleh mereka-mereka yang akan mengatakan apa sahaja mengikut sedap perut mereka kerana terlalu dahagakan kuasa dan berdebat di parlimen seperti beruk di rimba. Malangnya, rakyatlah yang memilih mereka. Akibatnya salahpakai sistem di Malaysia akan meruntuhkan negara ini sendiri.

Benarlah, kerosakan itu adalah hasil dari TANGAN-TANGAN manusia itu sendiri.

Friday, May 09, 2008

The Unfit System

In my point of view, racial issue are the matters brought to worse by the hands of the politician. Politics kill the harmony in-made that running progressively.

We still gave a lame expression when we try to bring back the harmony in public.. dont deny it.( we are discussing ait we? so hold the ape fight. ) But then, why must these politician ?? I guess, they must be thinking that barkings dogs seldom bite. But it wasnt in malay point of view at all at least for a mass majority. I fear that Malay that was famously known with the word 'amuck' will reestablish the profanity.

To talk about racial things for a discussion are happen to be a mere discussion. But the feelings never went throughout the nation.

Although I can tolerate the critics to the feudal system for a positive efficiency, I cant tolerate when it comes from a representative of circa century old people that never wanted to be malaynized. Never at all. In fact, they hate it!!

It is not because the kings are oppressed in Mahathir's administration that made them keep silence, it was the recent government that dismissed the custom of seeking the king's consultancy. It is good for Perak Sultanate to impose public humility on Nizar for ignoring the institution. The Perak Sultanate are not stupid in laws. This is the reflection of the word soverignity.

For the century old migrated people, even their languange are not like the people of the kingdom. The mothertongue of the Kings. They even dismiss the importance of Malay Language. They now appraising the former colonist in term of verbal trade. They demand for the abolishment of partition between bumi and non-bumi, alas, they rejects assimilation that was the key for equalization.

In this ironic demand for an equal right, they did this without the wise hands to handle. They picking up controversist rather than a nation builder. It is now shaking the pillar of the nation. These people voted by the people and thus visualized the result of pure democracy that for once and all never suit with Malaysia at least, to date.

I believe that we may prevail our tolerance to the level that gain up respect. This must be in the hand of a two third government. A non rethoric nation builder that we admit, alas, every us admit, will fringely flourished by a fruit of untighten integrity for a small consolation.

Likewise told by Tun M, a weak government is not good for multi racial country.

I would say a mix government / small majority / simple majority government is only suits to HOMOGENEOUS race country like Japan, Italy , Thailand, Indonesia, orwhatsoever. And never with a complete racial sagregated Malaysia in everything, name it language, literature, art, religion, customs, daily life, entertainment, music, jokes, sentiments, and the hidden thoughts of the majority.

The implimentation of these kind of government in Malaysia is actually a beginning of unwanted turbulence.

What can you expect more when it have Karpalism in the strong opposition. Mean and never Malaynized. We are using a wrong system for this country. We need to be as firm as Singapore. But why we cant? Because majority of rakyat are retarded. Tey've been pissed off by these power maniac.

It was the matter of time for us to see the demolition of a respected system if we reluctant to vote for a strong government and never wanted such ambience of politic that in faulty just for the sake of power maniac that debating in such an ape fight. But rakyat voted them recently. The consequence is retak menanti belah.

Thursday, May 08, 2008

Where Bribes Came From?

It is overtly known by the rakyat that bribes are the color of the life in hogging for a fast lane. Even though the situation is not as worse as Indonesia, the degree of the bribery in Malaysia was quite aggravating. From the studies on transparency, the condition in Malaysia is claimed as deteriorating.

We always said that the civil servant is those who the one who insisted and looming the bribery. We never did any study for the roots of corruption itself in namely governmental procurement. Why the blame game always deposited firmly in the rakyat’s mind? It was the politic who ruins every good deed by the civil servants.

Let us look on this normal occurrence.

It was an early year in one of government department. There will be three of four representative of supplier companies that I would say boldly, Chinese persons, will invite a staff who have the authority to make buying, for a lunch, in a prestigious place. This excluding the not needed angpows that slipping with smiles into the staff’s pocket that sometimes rejected in the name of integrity. In any given chance, the suppliers are waiting the right time to give some ‘present’ in form of money so the consideration will lean to them. Now where was all this mess came from? One of the former local council’s technician once said “This kings of these private treasury will be in total anxious if you don’t take their offers. By hook or by crook they will ensure that you get the money. If you reluctant to, they will ensure that on any time you’re in dire straits, their offers will be the salvation. They never hesitate to do something that makes you in total needy. They even offer you girls! Now why it was their side are the one who condemning the civil servant on taking bribes. It was them that gave birth on the integrity breaching condition! Those politicians who always blame the civil servant have to combat these evils at the first place!” – This guy resigned because of malicious treatment he gets just to uphold the integrity.

The second case is a two situation that normally happened

It was on the freeway. One guy gear down his car and confidently overtook another car. He never knew that his act was monitored by a traffic policeman. He was then ordered to the road shoulder after a few minutes by the policeman.

Situation 1

Policeman : Lesen sama IC.
Driver : Oh. OK. Apa pasal tuan?
Policeman : You potong double line.
Driver : Ya ka. Saya tatau situ double line ma..
Policeman : Mana boleh taktau. Itu jalan sudah banyak tahun double line!
Driver : Saya baru ini hari lalu sini jalan la tuan.
Policeman : You mau tengok la… Itu jalan boleh potong ka tak boleh.
Driver : Tuan, ( with his hand counting some money in his wallet ) tolong saya tuan. Saya taktau punya ( with his right hand slipping out few notes ). Boleh ka?
Policeman : ( looking at the notes.. and slowly took the money given by the driver discretly whilst giving afew words..) Lain kali, you mau tengok ma..
Driver : Baik tuan, baik. Lain kali saya betul-betul tengok..
Policeman : OK, jalan.

Situation 2

Policeman : Bagi lesen dan IC.
Driver : Kenapa tuan?
Policeman : Awak tak nampak ke double line?
Driver : Iya ke? Tuan, saya tak tau tuan.
Policeman : Mana boleh taktauDah berkurun jalan tu double line!
Driver : Saya baru ini hari lalu sini tuan.
Policeman : Lain kali tengok la dulu boleh potong ke tidak.
Driver : Tuan, tolong saya tuan. Saya taktau jalan tu double line.
Policeman : Lain kali, tengok dulu. Ini saman ni. Macam mana?
Driver : Takpe la tuan. Saman je la.
Policeman : OK. ( whilst writing down a summon ). Nah.. OK, jalan.

So, on which hands the bribes are given birth from? It is not a bigotry accusation but the thing is, if all these ‘donors’ are caught, will the politician amused? It will left no more businessmen amongst them but only politicians. Again, will they amused? No they don’t. For them, it is nothing wrong with the fire starters. It was the recipients who always wrong. Why? Because they are civil servants. Or in a harsh manner, because they are Malay. Now who are covering the whole issue and raise a few of it in favor to bash some other quarter in a bigotry attitude?

This issue would not end as there is more to be revealed as it was the lame situation of how certain quarters of Malaysian are living with this culture and yet in peculiar hypocrisy, blaming the one they bribe for taking it. If only each of them who finance the notorious practice is caught red handed, then the truth revealed? I would eager to be the one who counting the numbers of those prosecuted. To those who are offered with bribes, I would like to advice, bring those who offer it to the justice. Let the world know who they are.

If you ever break the law, just admit it, and just face the music. Money in your pocket are not the substitution of your wrongdoings before you are summoned to meet the magistrate. Pay your compound and get the official receipt. Never offer money to the enforcement officer because it just show the mass that Malaysian mentality are the lowest at the first place. Not the government officer.

Wednesday, May 07, 2008

Politik Tipu Merosak Kaum

Kira-kira jam 10.00 malam tadi, ketika menikmati hidangan makan malam yang terlewat di Restoran Masha, Bandar Baru Ampang, Selangor, saya terlihat satu kisah yang cukup biasa, tetapi menusuk jiwa hingga terpanggil untuk diterbitkan di dalam blog ini.

Sebelum itu, saya didatangi oleh seorang lelaki tua yang bertongkat putih dan seorang wanita yang memimpinnya. Ya. Peminta sedekah cacat penglihatan yang menjadi trend di Kuala Lumpur. Umum mengetahui mereka ini didalangi sindiket. Tetapi tiada penguatkuasaan atau siasatan terperinci mengenainya dibuat oleh pihak berkuasa. Jadi, tidak perlulah untuk mencari alasan untuk tidak menderma.

Ketika tangan kanan saya sibuk menyuap makanan, saya dihampiri oleh mereka. Ya. Memang agak keterlaluan. Bagaimana saya hendak menyeluk poket yang berisi wang di poket kanan dengan tangan kiri. Namun, saya cuba mengeluarkan sejumlah syiling yang ada lalu menghulur dengan tangan kiri. Agak tidak sempurna rasanya.

Tetapi yang menjadi kisah yang hendak diceritakan ialah, bagaimana datang pula seorang lelaki cacat penglihatan yang dipimpin oleh seorang lelaki muda, kedua-duanya Melayu, dengan modus operandi yang sama, ke restoran tersebut. Mereka menghampiri seorang lelaki muda India berbadan besar yang kelihatan seperti para-para pengamuk HINDRAF di Jalan Ampang tahun lalu.

Pemuda tersebut kelihatan bingkas bangun menuju ke kaunter. Ia tidak sedar kelibatnya diperhatikan oleh saya yang agak jauh dari situ. Ia kelihatan menukar duit di kaunter bayaran, lalu memberi sedekahnya secara tertib di tapak tangan lelaki tua tersebut tanpa mengambil tisu yang dihulur oleh pengemis(?) tersebut. Lelaki tua tersebut tunduk berterima kasih dan lelaki India itu duduk kembali di mejanya.

Terfikir satu persoalan. Mengapa kaum India lebih tinggi budi bicaranya apabila bersoal tentang pahala. Tidak kiralah ia Muslim atau Hindu. Kerana, di sebuah restoran mamak yang majoriti pelanggannya pada malam itu adalah kaum Cina, hanya seorang atau tiada langsung dikalangan mereka yang mahu memberi sedekah. Benar. Kerana seluruh Kuala Lumpur tahu bahawa pengemis-pengemis(?) ini adalah golongan yang didalangi sindiket. Ataupun mereka telah senang-lenang memungut wang di kedai-kedai makan.

Tetapi mengapa lelaki India tersebut tidak berfikir soal itu. Dia juga tidak memikirkan bahawa pengemis(?) tersebut adalah kaum Melayu. Padahal iklim politik telah merosakkan hubungan kaum apabila pembangkang turun menjaguhi isu HINDRAF di jalanan tempoh hari. Banyak sentimen anti Melayu dan Parti Melayu UMNO telah disembur dijalanan dan di pusat-pusat ceramah kempen PRU yang lalu. Setiap rumah kaum India di Malaysia pasti ada bercerita tentang perkara tersebut.

Terdapat dua kebarangkalian yang boleh kita kongsi untuk difikirkan. Pertama, adakah kaum India telah kurang berpolitik di Malaysia? Tambahan pula mereka memusnahkan parti tunggal pewakil bangsa mereka semata-mata. Lalu mereka telah melupakan kisah sebelum PRU12 dan meneruskan kehidupan beragama yang sememangnya menekankan perbuatan-perbuatan baik dengan melupakan garis perkauman setelah mereka berpuas hati bahawa tangan mereka telah menggegar pentadbiran pusat yang dikepalai UMNO?

Kedua, lelaki tersebut adalah dalang kepada sindiket pengemis buta di Kuala Lumpur memandangkan lelaki India tersebut merupakan orang yang pertama didatangi oleh dua lelaki Melayu tersebut.

Kedua-duanya adalah hasil permainan politik. Tetapi di atas platform berbeza. Namun, persamaan pada dua jenis politik ini terletak atas kata " Politik Itu Penipuan Terancang " yang pada hakikatnya telah merosakkan hubungan kaum hari ini dengan semua orang berpura-pura menunjukkan harmoni itu ada.

Monday, May 05, 2008

MB Nizar Terus Disindir

The Malay Mail

Monday, May 05 2008

Behind the Headlines > Hard lesson for Nizar

Baradan Kuppusamy

IN a dramatic turnaround, the Perak Palace has stolen the thunder by ordering Menteri Besar Datuk Seri Mohammad Nizar Jamaluddin to reinstate Datuk Jamry Sury as director of the Perak Islamic Affairs Department.

Nizar has been given a simple lesson in statecraft – you might be the political boss but it is better to have the palace behind you when sacking a senior officer.

Nizar might have the powers to transfer but it is political suicide to do it the way he had done, as the Regent of Perak Raja Dr Nazrin Shah, acting for Sultan Azlan Shah, had pointed out - without offering alternatives, without weighing the fairness of the action and above all, without consulting the palace, an important stakeholder in the political process.

Under the constitution, the Sultans are head of Islam in their various States and they jealously guard that right.

Nizar never saw eye to eye with Jamry on the best way to administer Islam in Perak.

In fact, the bad blood between them goes back before the March 8 polls when Nizar, as Pas leader in Cenderiang, disagreed with Jamry over the choice of imam and mosque committees.

It was the old Umno–Pas rivalry at the village level that continues unabated.

“Being a Pas leader and MB, Nizar naturally wanted to assert his authority over Islam,” said a senior State officer, who declined to be named.

“But Jamry just sat on every instruction and directive from Nizar’s office.

“This behaviour infuriated Nizar who lost his cool and decided the solution was to remove Jamry. He might have the powers but he should have consulted all the parties involved, especially the palace.” The tussle between the two goes to the very root of power in Malay society - control of village mosques and their imam, who are the key influence in village life, including in the political choices villagers make.

Pas’ performance in the March 8 polls was nothing to shout about but Nizar got the Menteri Besar’s post because the DAP, which outperformed itself, did not have a Malay candidate. PKR, which won six seats, had no suitable Malay candidate either.

Nizar, who speaks fluent English and has wide experience in the private sector, was the natural choice.

He aimed to extend Pas influence in the State by putting Pas members as imam and Jamry resisted the move, sources said.

“Their relationship worsened and eventually they were not on talking terms.” The last straw was when Jamry refused permission for Nizar, whose knowledge of Islam is highly regarded in Pas circles, to lead the sermon at the Ipoh main mosque last Friday. An insulted Nizar transferred Jamry, setting off the crisis.

From the start, Nizar’s relations with the palace were not balmy. The swearingin ceremony got off on the wrong foot with DAP elder Lim Kit Siang announcing a boycott of the palace ceremony.

He later withdrew his statement and apologised.

Later, some names Nizar submitted to the palace for birthday honours last month, which included DAP veterans, were dropped.

The larger picture of it all is that Rulers are enjoying a major revival in status and confi dence and the general public is enthusiastic about it. A new generation of royals are speaking up for human rights, democracy and rule of law.

The Jamry affair, if you can call it that, is a lesson to leaders of Pakatan Rakyat ruled States that the palace is a permanent institution that has survived the rigours of time and cannot be ignored, especially in matters so close to home, like Islam.

Nizar has little choice now but to reinstate Jamry and repair the damage with the palace or his days as Menteri Besar are numbered.


Wartawan akhbar yang cuba bersikap neutral seperti The Malay Mail ini pun mempersoalkan tindakan kontroversi Nizar. Namun, apakah Nizar bertindak tanpa dipengaruhi oleh DAP? Jika ya, malanglah apabila seseorang yang melaungkan tentang Islam, menangani isu ini dengan cara yang tidak berhemah apabila bertindak mengikut emosi. Inilah yang Melayu Perak hairankan apabila mengenangkan penghinaan dalam diam pihak-pihak yang skeptikal terhadap Islam tentang prestasi PAS di Perak. Jika PAS tidak bermuka tebal, nescaya Islam lebih dipandang tinggi dan suara Melayu dihormati. Hari ini, kedengaran suara "Besar sangatkah orang Melayu dalam ini Perak?"

Koo Ham Tunjuk Belang?


May 04, 2008 23:52 PM

Perak DAP Chairman Shows True Colour Of DAP, Says Ahmad Zahid

KUALA LUMPUR, May 4 (Bernama) -- The statement made by the Perak State Executive Councillor, Datuk Ngeh Koo Ham, who is also Perak DAP chairman, Saturday showed the true colour of the DAP, said Minister in the Prime Minister's Department Datuk Dr Ahmad Zahid Hamidi.

He said Ngeh's statement that the state government would take action against any senior state government officers who tried to sabotage the policies of the state government under Pakatan Rakyat implied as though Ngeh was protesting the order of the Sultan of Perak, Sultan Azlan Shah, which reinstated Datuk Jamry Suri as Director of the Perak Islamic Religious Department (JAIP).

"It's as though he is protesting the order of His Royal Highness who reinstated Datuk Jamry as JAIP Director," he told Bernama Sunday night.

He was commenting on press reports which quoted Ngeh as saying that the Perak state government would issue `show cause' letters to senior officers of the state government who were alleged to have tried to sabotage the policies of the state government under Pakatan Rakyat.

The media Saturday reported that Perak Menteri Besar Datuk Seri Mohammad Nizar Jamaluddin would seek an audience with the Sultan of Perak to apologise for the sudden transfer of Jamry as the JAIP Director.

Jamry, who assumed the post of JAIP Director since 2004, was ordered transferred to the State Secretariat as a Special Functions Officer by Mohammad Nizar on April 29 as he was alleged to be uncooperative.

However, Sultan Azlan Shah ordered the Menteri Besar to retract the transfer order.

Ahmad Zahid suggested that the Datuk Paduka Mahkota Perak (DPMP) award conferred on Ngeh by the Sultan of Perak be withdrawn in view of statements.



Kata-kata Zahid Hamidi kali ini ada betulnya. Lihatlah disebalik tabir pemerintahan kerajaan negeri Perak hari ini. Ngeh Koo Ham sewenangnya mengeluarkan kenyataan yang seolah-olah DAP tetap dengan keputusan bahawa mereka bersedia melawan keputusan istana demi agenda politik mereka. Siapa tak tahu tentang kemahuan sebuah parti sosialis? Parti sosialis yang terbentuk atas ideologi merakyatkan kuasa memimpin sememangnya tertanam di dalamnya sifat anti-feudal. Cadangan tarik balik gelaran Datuk kepada Ngeh Koo Ham memang boleh dibuat. Tetapi tahukan mereka bahawa di kalangan ahli DAP, gelaran tersebut tidak didahulukan langsung. Mereka tidak titikberatkan langsung pemakaian darjah kebesaran sultan. Sebab itulah Sultan Perak tidak berkenan dengan senarai penerima darjah kebesaran yang menyenaraikan pemimpin-pemimpin tua DAP yang dicadangkan Nizar sedikit masa dulu. Koo Ham mungkin dipertimbangkan sebab beliau tidak bermulut besar ketika pemilihan untuk nama Menteri Besar dibuat selepas Pakatan Rakyat mengambil alih negeri. Tetapi selepas ini, Koo Ham wajar dipantau.

DAP Parti Cina ?

DAP memang dikenali sebagai parti Cina sejak sekian lama. Walaupun mereka cuba untuk menambah muka-muka bukan Cina di dalam DAP, mereka tetap mengutamakan isu kaum Cina. Isu kaum lain yang mereka perjuangkan hanyalah berdasarkan perjuangan mereka menentang dasar-dasar kerajaan yang mereka dakwa turut menghalang kepentingan mereka.

Isu Melayu mereka jauhi atas alasan bahawa ianya diserahkan kepada sekutu mereka terutamanya PKR. Malangnya Parti Keadilan Rakyat tidak berminat untuk menjaguhi isu Melayu. Maka terjadilah sunyi sepi isu Teresa Kok membela gadis ketuk ketampi yang dibela olehnya kerana, rupa-rupanya gadis tersebut Melayu tempatan, bukanlah rakyat China seperti yang didakwa. Isu tersebut hilang dari media tanpa mulut besar Teresa Kok.

Orang Melayu menjauhi DAP. Jika mereka menyokong DAP sepenuh hati sekalipun, ianya hanyalah untuk menzahirkan rasa benci mereka terhadap parti-parti lain. Untuk jatuh sayang kepada DAP mungkin jauh sekali.

Orang Melayu tercipta sensitif. DAP terkenal biadap terhadap sensitiviti Melayu. DAP sendiri memahami kenyataan ini, lalu besyukur terhadap kebetulan apabila wujud PKR sejak 10 tahun lalu. Sekurang-kurangnya mereka tidak perlu lagi memikirkan untuk memperjuangkan nasib orang Melayu.

Jadi, atas alasan apa jika mereka mengatakan bahawa politik parti mengikut kaum itu tidak relevan? Mereka bermati-matian mahu mengatakan parti tersebut bukan mengutamakan kaum Cina sedangkan orang buta pun mampu membayangkan tahap kecinaan DAP.

Masalah ini mungkin dapat dikesan oleh pemimpin muda DAP yang terfikir untuk membawa pembaharuan. Dengan pengecilan komposisi penduduk Cina yang akan tiba ke tahap 25% dalam sedikit masa lagi akibat pertumbuhan yang rendah, pemimpin muda DAP yang lahir di zaman pasca merdeka akan terfikir akhirnya untuk mengetengahkan orang-orang Melayu bagi membawa agenda sosialis mereka. Jika tidak, mereka akan membunuh parti mereka sendiri.

Ini tidak mustahil kerana di Perak hari ini, mereka menggunakan wakil PAS untuk menjayakan agenda sosialis mereka. Ianya adalah sesuatu yang ironik. Namun tetap mereka berjaya mencatur nasib Melayu di Perak dengan meletakkan ahli PAS sebagai MB Perak. Namun kebanyakan penyokong dasar sosialis dalam bangsa Melayu itu berada di dalam UMNO.

UMNO hakikatnya merupakan parti yang paling awal memperjuangkan sosialisma untuk orang Melayu. UMNO mengajar orang Melayu memilih pemimpin dan mempercayai bahawa pemimpin yang dipilih atas dasar demokrasi itu adalah kuasa sakti yang menabir feudalisma yang menjadi anutan politik orang Melayu sejak beratus-ratus tahun lalu. Cuma kecenderungan berpuak dan memonopoli menyebabkan integriti mereka terhakis.

Pemimpin muda DAP yang dilihat paling berkaliber buat masa ini untuk menjadi peneraju DAP di masa depan ialah Lim Guan Eng. Bukannya Gobind, Teresa Kok atau Fong Po Kuan mahupun Chong Eng. Beliau yang mendapat mandat memerintah kerajaan negeri Pulau Pinang, mengelak untuk membuat kenyataan sensitif selepas ‘rakyat’ Melayu beliau meniru cara beliau satu ketika dahulu; bantahan di jalanan ; selepas beliau mengelirukan mereka dengan isu DEB. Beliau lebih cenderung untuk memahami orang Melayu. Mungkin ini disebabkan beliau merupakan pemimpin yang melalui berbagai cabaran pahit getir yang tiada siapa tahu ianya menimbulkan kesedaran ataupun dendam dalam diri beliau.

Pertikaian yang berlaku di Pulau Pinang yang melibatkan orang Melayu, di serahkan kepada orang Melayu sendiri. Maka wujudlah masalah antara Pengarah Jabatan Agama Islam Pulau Pinang dengan Exco yang menguruskan hal ehwal Islam di situ.

Yang ditatang ialah bangsa India yang kehilangan kuasa sebuah parti milik bangsa sendiri setelah mereka memilih DAP dan PKR yang tidak berdasarkan mana-mana kaum. M Kula, Ahli Parlimen Ipoh Barat, bersungguh-sungguh berucap dalam Melayu pasar kepada pengundi di Bercham yang didiami 90% kaum Cina dan memekik tentang isu pendidikan kaum bukan Melayu semasa kempen PRU ke 12 yang lalu. Beliau menang besar manakala DUN Bercham dirampas DAP.

Dipetik dari blog Teresa Kok ketika ditanya mengapa pusat khidmat wakil rakyatnya tidak ada orang Melayu, ini jawapannya :

on 21 Apr 2008 (2 weeks ago) at 18: 16.12 Teresa

someone has repeatedly mentioned that I do not hire non-Chinese staff or no Malay staff in my service center.

The problem is, majority or 99% of the complainants to my Seputeh office are Chinese, many of them are the poor and uneducated lot where they came to me to ask me to help them to fill up application forms for low cost flats or ask us to explain some government or legal documents to them. They always face problems when they go to DBKL or other government agencies as many of them can’t understand or converse in Malay language.

So, if I hire a Malay staff where they find difficult to communicate, then I will only make my service center like another government agencies where the poor find difficulties to communicate with us. Isn’t that very unnecessary or inconvenient?

However, I can hire an Indian guy in my Kinrara office as there are a number of Indians staying in Puchong where my Indian staff can handle their problems.

When it comes to hiring staffs, we need to emphasise on practicality, skin colour or race is not the issue, especially in the case of service center.

Kenyataan bias, penuh kecinaan dan menghina kakitangan awam sudah cukup menzahirkan sebuku kata-kata yang Teresa berjaya sekat dari tertulis olehnya di dalam blog tersebut.

Di manakah datum bagi sebuah persefahaman tanpa batas perkauman yang kononnya mereka perjuangkan seandainya mereka mengajak kaum Cina membenci Melayu melalui isu-isu yang mereka, dengan seperti kanak-kanak, mereka tangani penuh emosi dan rasa benci.

Pemimpin DAP masa depan mungkin akan menukar tradisi kempen meraih sokongan mereka dari seruan yang disalahertikan oleh penyokong mereka sebagai kempen anti-Melayu kepada seruan untuk bekerjasama agar kesaksamaan dapat dituntut apabila terhapusnya garis perkauman.

Lim Guan Eng mengajak Ning bergambar ketika mereka terserempak di Airport Bayan Lepas Rabu lalu. Beliau dikatakan ke Kuala Lumpur seorang diri dan menduduki kelas ekonomi di baris paling hadapan. ( Yang sememangnya luas )

Sunday, May 04, 2008

We Express Lame Harmony?

Imagine how human being that claimed to be the most civilized creature could not solve problems regarding race and religion issue. To make it worse, they love to call for discussion but later they handle it in bigotry manner. This is not the real concept of " We created human in various races so they could knowing on each other ", the infamous quote from the Al-Quran. This is nothing but the flaw that born as a prove of human imperfection. Defects are everywhere and civilization is a symbolic word for progress.

We born in the world that already made as a multiracial country as per suggested by the former colonial. But to date, we are having leaders that born in pre-independent age. They successfully influenced the youth of today with their bigotry politic and thus, slowing the auto-generating process of producing a brand new future generation.

" Many people all over the world are challenging on each other. Simply it made all the reflection of the attitude are totally inconsistant." - zamil , taman mewah, ulu kinta, ipoh

Anyone can easily reveal how hates are part of their so-called strength, without materializing the thought. Hate comes from disaffection, insufficiency and contradiction that polluting the air without proper equilibrium when it comes to the table of discussion.

Hate in society is best described as a result of a fake output by the mass towards each other. Without a flaw in the circuit of life, there will be no projected breakdown.

" The symbol of the u-topian excitement is always the power of the people. This is the penumbra that set a hide to the golden gate of chaosity." - azharina , batu 5, tambun, ipoh

Chaotic issue might only be handled by a special breeded people that born with a great thinking. But the unseen truth is how they handle things that beyond their disaffection as this is knowingly, was a part of human creation. No human being are born without the hate feelings.

"The hidden intention in one's mind always being the catalyst of their individual favor towards the dos and donts. Hate becomes the best part of the power to move a person's act." - safudin, taman perpaduan, ipoh.

The best thing to do for all human is to veil their hate feelings with a good anger management. This is a neccessity that should be built up urgently. Without anger management, life will be headlighted by emotion.

" Emotion will drag their feelings into actions. Actions will be uncontrolled when it being empowered by the multiplying of collective emotion." - isa abdul karim, kg. tengku hussin, ipoh.

The absence of respect and the sense of wanting a tranquil society will be the perfect additive to blow up the mass.

Haven't we feel that we are not willing to switch the stability with a turmoil. With a mess. With ruins everywhere. Do we had enough of our bright brand new days? Insensitive is the gunpowder of major civil war.

In this country, Malay comprise about 52% of the population. The Chinese was in 28% while the Indian with 8%. The other 12 are 70% of non-Malay bumis and the rest is named others including foreigner.

When the trend of cross race voting took place, the parliament will be the best battlefield in either turning the state into homogeneous race country or as a race devided country. This is unpredictable since Malaysian parliament is a market of hates trading , sarcasm and dissatisfaction that based on party. It is worse even more when major politic parties are ethcocentric organization.

"And if all of the people that hates of being secluded in the name of bumiputra keep in a form of unity, it was a new hazard to the continuity of the joy and gay for our next generation that obviously embracing lifestyle and technology. It was the matter of the alarming majority voice and act. The disturbance might also paralysing the whole business affair." - shukor ismail, taman meru 2c, ipoh.

" This land aint no for aborigines. Aborigines eliminated earlier in namely China, India or Thailand. It was the matter of survival. Malay settled Straits of Malacca since 2000 years ago. They preserve Orang Asli and for trading affair, no land had to be cleared. Now, Orang Asli enjoys the privilage in laws on few clause." - saleh hitam, merdeka garden, ipoh.

Street protest is the uttermost hazard for this country that binding diversities in a coalition as the neo-Rahman form of state. The only way to maintain the present climates of business is to keep the hate off the air.

The best action is to ensure such issue to be kept on a lame lane. And that is Malaysia.

"Why bother on Malay bashing in Malaysia because Malay is dominant? Hello. Did you have to be malaynized to live in Tanah Melayu? I think that is the big big mistake of the past that now are the topmost potential of security breaching!" - zanariah , simpang pulai, ipoh.

"How should we ratify the mistakes of not being resistant towards immigration ethic in the early Brits years. Actually, we feel that joining Indonesia is better. We rule them. Doesnt it worth it?" - khaidir ahmed, chemor, ipoh.

In plural ethnocentric party coalition kind of governing and opposing party, by anytime forwarding the calendar, disturbance will always have the chance to happen and acting as a silencer of the vibrating prosperity. This, welcoming the mass into a bleak future.

Is that what are we going to inherit to our generation? It was us they demand the answer. If they was breeded among hate, should we expect the Middle East kids in this country?

Saturday, May 03, 2008

Most People Often Thought...

We often thought about what've the nation give us rather than what've we gave to the nation. This is common in a citizen that spending a long time born and raised in a tranquility of a country. The non-turbulence atmosphere are the best fertilizer to grow the ignorance of the noble effort to put tranquility and security into a perfect continuity.

We often thought that the rakyat having the power to play the voting game, thus, will heist the power from the corrupted government. This is common in a citizen that embracing the democracy system without knowing how to set the moderation device on. Without moderation, people's power are designed to kill a dynamic leadership. People are voting on emotional satisfactory rather than demanding for urgent explanatory.

We often thought that people's power is the noblemost aptitude in governance. This is common in a citizen that never learn about the history of the civilization. The most recent ruling system is made by those who wants to have easy acsess in substitution of a nation's leader as per favor of these people.

We often thought that we are wise enough to support a person that we thought as a pure democrat. This is common for people that living in malignancy at the most worse degree. Knowingly , there is a popular sarcastic phrase of the Malay quoted as ' A Malay always in a jealousy unrest seeing the success of another Malay '.

We often thought that an autocratic leader is not needed in the democratic country. This is common for the people that actually want to embrace freedom for everything. It was said that people are now unwilling to be binded with rules and regulation, hence, claiming that they are now an adult but sadly without any experience in facing turbulence.

We often thought that freedom of speech are now thriving in Malaysia without Dr. M as the leader. This is common for people that never knew the 'free water of input' that now flowing into their brain are coming from poisonous well of idea. The unconventionalized media that publishing thoughts are actually a long fragile bridge that crossing a stream of the dominative capitalist, from the land of the lame to the land of utopia and that we are now whilst crossing, jumping on it, shake it as an doubtful experiment on the fragility.

It was in the matter of time, we, each and every citizen regradless skin color, are no more than a group of overwhelmed human that defeated by a superior dictator and will beg for courtesy to stay alive in our own soil, and regretting what we've done.

Friday, May 02, 2008

Sultan Tempelak MB Nizar

Footpost on Full Statement from Sultan of Perak

May 02, 2008 18:03 PM

Sultan Azlan Shah Orders Transfer Order On JAIP Director Retracted

IPOH, May 2 (Bernama) -- The Sultan of Perak, Sultan Azlan Shah, today ordered Perak Menteri Besar Datuk Seri Mohammad Nizar Jamaluddin to immediately retract the 24-hour tranfer order issued to Perak Islamic Religious Department director Datuk Jamry Sury on Tuesday.

The Sultan had also asked the state government to formally present to him if there was any breach of procedures and offenses committed by Jamry against the state government administration for him to order for further legal process.

The order to withdraw the transfer order was contained in a three-page press statement issued on the instruction of the Raja Muda of Perak, Raja Dr Nazrin Shah, after Mohammad Nizar was summoned to have an audience with him at the Istana Raja Muda Perak at 11am today to explain the transfer order issued to Jamry.

The press statement signed by Sultan Azlan Shah's private secretary Toh Raja Diraja Kol Datuk Abdul Rahim Mohamad Nor explained that Raja Nazrin issued the order in his capacity as president of the Perak Islamic and Malay Customs Council.

According to the statement, Mohammad Nizar was told that work relations that respected the Sultan was the convention and work culture that had been always practised and respected by every Mentri Besar with the palace all this while.


Kami mengalu-alukan campurtangan pihak istana dalam memberi panduan dan mendidik Datuk Seri Nizar yang sememangnya merupakan seorang yang tidak menitikberatkan protokol dalam menjawat kuasa seorang Menteri Besar di sebuah negeri Melayu. Tindak-tanduk Nizar amat mengecewakan dalam menjadi boneka kepada pimpinan DAP di Perak. Beliau tidak kelihatan langsung mempunyai karisma seorang pemimpin. Kini beliau telah berdepan dengan tindakbalas pihak istana Sultan Perak. Sultan Perak sendiri mungkin faham bahawa seorang golongan marhaen yang diberikan kuasa menjadi ketua tanpa latihan sewajarnya adalah ibarat beruk diberi bunga. Apatah pula menjadi ketua boneka.

Full statement by Sultan of Perak

Press statement issued by the private secretary to the Sultan of Perak with the consent of the Regent in connection with the directive of the immediate transfer of the Perak Religious Department (JAIP) director:

Following the command of His Royal Highness (HRH) Paduka Seri Sultan Perak Darul Ridzuan, HRH Raja Muda Perak Darul Ridzuan, Raja Nazrin Shah, in his capacity as the President of the Perak Council of Islamic Religion and Malay Customs (Majlis Agama Islam & Adat Melayu Perak MAIAMP) has directed The Honorable Mentri Besar Perak Darul Ridzuan, Dato' Seri Ir. Mohammad Nizar bin Jamaluddin, be present at Istana Raja Muda Perak Darul Ridzuan at 11.00am today to have an audience with the Raja Muda and to brief the Raja Muda on the directive by the Mentri Besar of Perak that Yang Berbahagia Dato' Haji Jamry Sury be removed with immediate effect as the Director of the Perak Islamic Religious Affairs Department.

2. Yang Amat Berhormat Dato' Seri Ir. Mohammad Nizar was informed that Yang Berbahagia Dato' Haji Jamry Sury, as the Director of the Perak Islamic Religious Affairs Department also functions as the Secretary to the Perak Council of Islamic Religion and Malay Customs (MAIAMP).

That the appointment of Yang Berbahagia Dato' Haji Jamry Sury was made only after assent was granted by HRH Paduka Seri Sultan Perak Darul Ridzuan. That the affairs of the Islamic religion as well as institutions and agencies responsible for the Islamic religion are under the direct jurisdiction of HRH Paduka Seri Sultan Perak.

In view of that and in accordance with the view of HRH Paduka Seri Sultan Perak, Yang Amat Berhormat Mentri Besar has a responsibility to seek an audience with the Sultan, to inform the Sultan and HRH the Raja Muda and seek consent before proceeding with any action associated with Islamic affairs, institutions and agencies having responsibilities with Islam (in Perak), and this includes the business of appointments, placements and transfers of officers and staff who deal in Islamic affairs, even more so for key and important positions.

3. The working relations to which respect for HRH Paduka Seri Sultan is a convention and work culture that have always been adhered to by each Mentri Besar with the Palace all these while. HRH Raja Muda reminded that the relations to ensure such understanding must be respected at all times.

All actions undertaken without having prior consent of HRH the Sultan and HRH the Raja Muda are deemed as ignoring or undermining the positions of HRH Paduka Seri Sultan as the head of Islam (in the state) and HRH Raja Muda Perak who is the President of MAIAMP.

4. HRH Raja Muda Perak also conveyed the advice and views of Paduka Seri Sultan Perak that any head of government while carrying a certain action or duty would have to observe justice in adherence to the procedures and rules of administration based on existing laws.

The Sultan is of the view that the stability of any administration and government should be based on the principles which upheld the rule of law and procedures. HRH the Sultan emphasises great importance to harmonious and good working relations among the administrators and political leaders in Perak for the interest and wellbeing of the rakyat.

5. It has been the principle of HRH Paduka Seri Sultan Perak that His government practises and oversees practices which are just and the process of justice should be adhered to so that no one among the Sultan's subjects should feel that they had become victims of slander or pressure from certain quarters who hold higher office. Before a decision or sentence is made, the process and procedure where there is justice should be fully adhered to.

The principle of natural justice needs to be respected, as such whichever side, which had been accused (of something), should be given their rights to clarify and defend themselves so that a fair and just consideration can be made.

6. In the foregoing spirit, HRH Raja Muda Perak has conveyed the view and stand of HRH Paduka Seri Sultan Perak that the directive to transfer Yang Berbahagia Dato' Jamry Sury with immediate effect be revoked.

If there had been a transgression of laws and or wrongdoing by Yang Berbahagia Dato' Jamry Sury on the state government's administration, then the state government is requested to present the case on an official basis to HRH Paduka Seri Sultan for HRH to initiate the process of law (on the matter) before a final decision is made.

Y.D.H. Toh Raja Diraja Kol Dato' Abd. Rahim Mohamad Nor
Private Secretary to HRH Paduka Seri Sultan Perak Darul Ridzuan
Office of HRH Paduka Seri Sultan Perak
May 2, 2008

Thursday, May 01, 2008


Selamat Datang di ucapkan kepada Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad ke alam blogsphere. Hari ini, 1 Mei 2008, Tun M secara rasminya melancarkan blognya melalui publisiti akhbar Utusan Malaysia. Kehadiran Tun M ke blogsphere amat di nanti-nantikan oleh segenap lapisan blogger. Bagi pemikir yang mempunyai pandangan sealiran dengan beliau, kehadiran beliau ke blogsphere merupakan lengkapnya jentera pemikiran yang menuju ke arah cita-cita dan ketegasan Tun M. Tun di zaman pasca-pemerintahan beliau. Selamat Datang Tun!

We welcomes our all time intelectual leader, Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad that officially being a member of the blogsphere on the very dramatic May 1st 2008. Publicize by Utusan Online, it was the moment that long waited by bloggers that never failed to loose faith supporting him alone without a virtualized leader. The machine is now working perfectly for the post-Mahathir era. Welcome Tun.


Kemunculan yang dinanti-nantikan oleh bloggers yang selama ini menyokong beliau tanpa beliau mengepalai perang di alam siber.

Corak template berlatarbelakangkan putih yang kosong dan tidak dicemari applets tampak elegan sebagai blog seorang pemimpin. Mungkin secara kebetulan, Tun M menggunakan template yang sama dengan blog penulis. :-)

Berita hangat petang 1 Mei 2008. Semakan pada jam 4.15 petang menunjukkan blog tersebut telah dikunjungi 7717 pengunjung manakala 30 minit kemudian, 9347. Hebat! Layari !